Great presentation. Extra 2 hectares to further develop. An easy drive north of Perth. Profit of close to $.5m. Radar Luttrell: 9534 4870 Joseph Charles Learmonth Duffy Business Brokers
Proposed code: MMB, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: base and precious metals exploration, Corporate: Dr Keith P Watkins (managing director), Ralph R G Porter (technical director), Max D
This fact sheet explains the capital gains tax implications of owning more than one real estate property.,, Published: April 30 2006
Mostly commercial, maintenance and installation. Access control and CCTV. Stable history. Roz Baker 9471 8163 or 0417 990 441 Fortune Business Marketing
Proposed code: UTO, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: uranium exploration, Corporate: Philip Lucas (non-executive chairman), Stephen Mann (non-executive director), Stanley Macdonald (non-execu
John Foote – chairman, Peter Kite – vice chairman, Vivien Sonego – secretary. Board members: Reg Bryson, Walter Bugno, Paul Hannan, Nick Ridehalgh, Simon Rountree, Anne Sutton, Martin Ward.
CUSTOMER communications company Salmat Ltd has announced charges relating to its Western Australian operations will not proceed, following confirmation from the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecu
If you acquired shares or rights under an employee share scheme (ESS), and the company is restructured, you may be entitled to some relief under the ESS tax provisions.
Radio Perth Pty Ltd has appointed Leo Nelson as general manager of its commercial radio station 6iX Perth. Mr Nelson was previously the program manager and drive announcer of the station.
MACQUARIE Bank will no longer proceed with a proposed bid for Patrick Corporation following the withdrawal of one of the takeover consortium’s key members.
In the matter Westgold Resources NL v St Barbara Mines and Ors, the matter has been listed for trial in the Supreme Court of Western Australia from 6 to 17 November 2006 inclusive.
Under staff management and netting $480,000. Servicing huge companies with exciting products. Impressive growth pattern and client spread with expansion program in place.