Proposed code: BUR, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: oil and gas exploration, Corporate: John McAlwey (non-executive chairman), Andrew Kugler, Jr (non-executive director), Michael Sandy (exec
THE Broken Hill Pty Ltd said it would spend $375 million on the first stage of expansion of its rail and port capacity at Port Headland, Western Australia, this week 10 years ago.
Jeffrey Lucy, chairman of ASIC, has welcomed the additional funding for ASIC contained in last night’s Federal budget.‘The additional funding of $234.6 million over four years will allow ASIC to estab
ASX code: UTO, Issue price: $0.705, First days close: $0.68, Principal activities: uranium exploration, Corporate: Philip Lucas (non-executive chairman), Stephen Mann (non-executive director), Stanley
The Property Council of Australia is holding its 2006 Corporate Leaders Conference, titled ‘Crystal ball gazing – emerging trends in property’, May 25 and 26 at the Quay West Resort in Bunker Bay.
Well-established business with a long and profitable history. Located in a growing South West location. Multiple product lines & repeat clientele. Plant and stock only.
Proposed code: PGM, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: platinum group metals exploration, Corporate: Robert W Mosig (executive chairman & company secretary), Greg J Wheeler (non-executive d
Racing and Wagering Western Australia board director and local racing identity, Bob Pearson, has been appointed chairman of the Australian Racing Board.
Income and expenditure statement. A form to provide details of your assets, liabilities, income and expenses. May 5 2006
AN incredible buy-one-get-one-free deal is currently available aboard the five-star MV Orion for a 10-night itinerary beginning at Darwin and visiting Dili and Baucau in East Timor, Wyndham, King Geor
A RECENT study by the WA Chamber of Commerce and Industry has found an increase in the number of people with disabilities in Western Australia, a shift it partly attributes to the state’s ageing popul
TROPICAL Forestry Services Ltd has developed the first ever water recycling project as part of the Ord River Irrigation Area at Kununurra in the east Kimberley region of Western Australia.
Has agreed with the Pasminco Group Companies and their Administrators to resolve the proceedings between them in the Federal Court of Australia on the basis that, although the Pasminco Group Companies