NEWERA Uranium Ltd has lodged a prospectus with the ASIC to raise $3 million in its initial public offer to fund the exploration and evaluation of its uranium deposits.
Has agreed to a private placement with Findlay & Co Stockbrokers Ltd to raise aggregate gross proceeds of up to $320,000 through the issue of up to 16,000,000 ordinary shares at a price of 2.0 cen
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Proposed code: BUR, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: oil and gas exploration, Corporate: John McAlwey (non-executive chairman), Andrew Kugler, Jr (non-executive director), Michael Sandy (exec
The Tax Office today reminded employers who pay superannuation contributions into the superannuation holding accounts (SHA) special account that it will close to employer contributions from June 30 20
Proposed code: EKM, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold exploration, Corporate: Richard Revelins (non-executive chairman), Richard Harris (managing director), Russell Davis (exploration dir
The Bulletin board for tax agents comprises news items relevant to tax agents and is regularly revised. Updated to include Tax Agent Infoline changes - May 17 2006.
BUDDING iron ore developer Fortescue Metals Group Ltd has awarded a $160 million development contract to WorleyParsons Ltd for its $2 billion iron ore project.
TFS Corporation Ltd director Blake Myles increased his indirect interest in the company by a total of 2.7 million shares for a consideration of $993,750.
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Proposed code: PGM, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: platinum group metals exploration, Corporate: Robert W Mosig (executive chairman & company secretary), Greg J Wheeler (non-executive d
Lists commonwealth tax and superannuation obligations when employing workers. It includes information on when a new worker starts, during employment, and when a worker leaves.
Newera Uranium Ltd has lodged a prospectus with the ASIC to raise $3 million in its initial public offer to fund the exploration and evaluation of its uranium deposits.