BUSINESS confidence in Western Australia fell to 2005 levels during the September quarter, cooled by high fuel prices and labour costs, and the August interest rate increase.
Shortfall interest charge (SIC) rates announced for the current financial year. Revised on September 7 2006 to include rates for the second quarter of the 2006_07 income year.
Proposed code: BNL, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold silver exploration, Corporate: Michael Hunt (non-executive chairman), Noel Taylor (managing director), Andrew Parker (non-executive d
Proposed code: VMS, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: mining and exploration, Corporate: Mel Ashton (non-executive chairman), Andrew Radonjic (managing director), Kent Hunter (non-executive di
This measure will change the tax collection arrangements for income (other that dividends, interest and royalties) distributed to non-residents by Australian managed funds and custodians.
Cruises - Antarctica and South Pacific: Unique 32-day package departing February 2006 on Discovery. The cost also includes a two-night stay in Buenos Aires and a charter flight to Ushuaia. $8,655.
Hames Sharley has promoted James Edwards to associate director of the practice with specific responsibilities in tertiary education, medical and scientific research facilities and sustainable design.