Annual general meeting will be held at Meeting Room 4, Level 2, Perth Convention Exhibition Centre, 21 Mounts Bay Road, Perth, commencing 11.00am on Wednesday,29 November 2006
Annual general meeting will be held at the offices of ISS Group Limited, First floor, 117 Stirling Highway, Nedlands, at 10.00am on Monday, 27 November 2006.
Annual general meeting will be held at Sandalwood Room, Ground Floor, Holiday Inn City Centre, 788 Hay Street Perth, at 9.00 am on Thursday, 30 November 2006.
ASX code: FAS, Issue price: $0.25, First days close: $0.57, Principal activities: gold and uranium exploration, Corporate: Harold J. Paiker (non-executive chairman), Kevin J.
HIGH-PROFILE environmentalist and former US vice-president, Al Gore, will arrive in Perth next Friday, November 17, to speak on the issue of global warming at the UWA Perth International Arts Festival
CPA Australia is holding its annual CPA Week, November 20 to 23 at the Burswood Convention Centre. CPA Week is a leading technical and training event in finance, accounting and business skills.
Roy Barry Rushworth and Sky Grantees Ltd as trustee for the Mulberry Trust increased its relevant interest from 28,080,687 ordinary shares (7.87%) to 30,356,335 ordinary shares (8.51%).
Annual general meeting will be held at the QV1 Building - Theatrette, Level 2, 250 St George’s Terrace, Perth, on Wednesday 29 November 2006 at 10.00am.
Annual general meeting will be held at The University Club of Western Australia, Hackett Drive, Drive, Entrance 1, Carpark 3, Crawley, Perth, on 21 November 2006 at 4.00pm.
Annual general meeting will be held at Mindarie Room, Amberley Business Centre, Level 3, IBM Building, 1060 Hay Street, West Perth, on Thursday, 30 November 2006 at 10.00am.
Vodafone has boosted its team in WA with five new appointments: Paul Mclean as business development manager, Angela Newland as mass channel manager, Kate Jenkins as state marketing manager, Carsten Pe