Annual general meeting will be held at QV1 Conference Centre, Level 2, QV 1 Building, 250 St. George’s Terrace, Perth, on Thursday 30 th November 2006 at 2:00 p.m.
Highly profitable, well established business has built a reputation for providing cost effective solutions to a stable and diversified client base. Owner retiring.
Proposed code: EYE, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: nickel, gold base metals exploration, Corporate: Wayne Ryder (executive chairman & company secretary), Warren John Staude (non-executi
Annual general meeting will be held at Seminar Room 2, University Club, University of Western Australia, Matilda Bay, Perth, on Thursday November 30 at 11.00am.
A General Meeting will be held at the River Room West at Ascot Quays, 150 Great Eastern Highway, Ascot, Western Australia at 10.00am on Thursday 30 November 2006
AUSTRALIA’S major ports have witnessed an increase in stevedoring unit costs and revenues while productivity has fallen, according to an Australian Competition and Consumer Commission report releas
ASX code: NOD, Issue price: $1.00, First days close: $1.40, Principal activities: provider of modular building solutions, Corporate: Geoff Allen (chairman), Rick Blair (non-executive director), Peter
Proposed code: MZM, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold and base metals exploration, Corporate: Denis O’Meara (chairman), Justin Brown (managing director), Terry Grammer (director), Ian (In
EON Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation, formed by Western Australian business people, that provides assistance to indigenous individuals and communities, especially in WA.