US-based drilling services contractor Boart Longyear Ltd has announced plans to raise up to $2.7 billion through its initial public offer on the ASX, after acquiring four Western Australian drilling f
Empire Beer Group Ltd has appointed Brendan Cocks as business development manager, responsible for identifying and analysing growth opportunities for the company.
Energy World Corporation Ltd, Power Treasure Ltd & William Jordan changed its relevant interest from724,521,043 ordinary shares (58.85%) to 724,521,043 ordinary shares (51.17%).
Has reached agreement to place 15,000,000 to sophisticated investment clients of State One Stockbroking Ltd and other professional investots at $0.07 per share.
NSW-based winery McWilliam’s can be expected to exercise greater caution in its branding of future premium wine ranges, after some of its Margaret River label recently met a dubious fate.
Equity Trustees Ltd as RE for SGH Prof Investor Smaller Companies Trust became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 23,752,670 ordinary shares (5.02%).
BGC boss Len Buckeridge is spruiking a new acronym for community and environmental activists who oppose development projects. He reckons the acronym NIMBYs - not in my backyard - is out of date.