Perth Airport has appointed Malcolm Bradshaw as general manager corporate affairs. Mr Bradshaw’s most recent role was director of strategic management in the Office of Premier Alan Carpenter.
Lanzerac Nominees Pty Ltd, D Protea Holdings Pty Ltd, Broederbond Super Fund increased its relevant interest from 8,227,583 ordinary shares (16.35%) to 8,502,633 ordinary shares (16.76%).
Pia Turcinov has taken on the role of state manager of the Starlight Children’s Foundation. Ms Turcinov was previously business development and marketing manager for a local Perth law firm.
Minutes of the Advice Working Group telephone hook-up on March 6 07. Published: June 19 2007
THE Australian Tax Office is upping the ante this financial year on those property owners claiming Capital Gains Tax (CGT) exemptions for main residences.
Refer to this page for the latest news about Annual investment income reporting and quarterly TFN/ABN reporting and to subscribe to the online bulletin.
Announce the issue of 5,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares at $0.22 per share (total $1,100,000.00) by way of private placement to institutional clients of Montagu Stockbrokers.
FORMER Gold Fields Ltd vice president, business development Tommy McKeith has resigned from his position as chief executive officer at West Perth-based gold miner, Troy Resources NL, to take up an exe
ASX code: FIS, Issue price: $0.20, First days close: $0.245, Principal activities: uranium exploration, Corporate: Gregory H. Solomon (executive chairman), Douglas H.