A potential $1 billion development of the nickel industry in Western Australia could make the State the world’s leading nickel producer within five years.
The Deen has grabbed attention at the 1999 Australian Hotels Association Awards for Excellence with its futuristic artwork, winning the best bar presentation and service category.
WHILE WA rates second as the most popular tourist destination for Australians next to Queensland, competition remains fierce between industry players vying for the tourist dollar.
BACK in 1995, Nicholas Negro-ponte in his book Being Digitalsuggested the greatest single obstacle to the roll-out of the information economy was the vast army of digitally homeless CEOs and senior managers.
A PROGRAM of seismic exploration is planned by Hardman Resources NL and its partners after the company negotiated two hydrocarbon blocks off the West African coast.
The Hyde Park Hotel has solidified its reputation as a popular live entertainment venue with a win at the recent 1999 Australian Hotels Association Awards for Excellence.
There’s something quite refreshing about Code. Code is cool. Not in a tedious, gen-next, I’m-too-sexy-for-my-customers kind of way, but in the best possible way.
A major downturn in the resource sectors has been forecast by the Australian Geoscientists’ Skills & Employment Advancement Network which is concerned that the recent surge in the price of gold has created a false air of optimism within government, busine
Hardman Resources NL, which has divested of most of its Australian hydrocarbon assets to concentrate on overseas ventures, is still on track with two major projects which could make or break the junior explorer.
Website design company Bluegem E-Link will offer free web pages to visitors to the Computer and Technology Expo to be held at Burswood Dome from 11 to 14 November.