WA AGRIBUSINESS Rural Traders Com-pany will merge with Peters & Brownes Foods Limited. The deal involves a $20 million transaction to be paid by the issue of 17.9 million shares in RTC Agribusiness and a payment of about $2.5 million cash.
TOP executives are paid too much, a recent survey has found.The Monster.com.au survey found 47 per cent of 1,183 respondents believed executives were overpaid.
THE Australian Securities and Investments Commis-sion’s implementation of the Managed Investments Act has been judged favourably by the managed investments industry.
A BUNBURY District Police plan to reduce crime against local businesses and improve information flow between business and police is to become a statewide program.
AD AGENCY JDA has won the first Lion to be awarded to a WA agency at the 1999 Cannes International Advertising Awards. The Keep Australia Beautiful Coun-cil commercial, featuring the devastating effect litter has on wildlife, won a bronze Lion.
AUSTRALIA’S first hands-on management training program for franchised new motor vehicle dealers and their staff has been launched by the Chamber of Automotive Industries of WA.
THE Australian Tax Office has disallowed more than $6 billion in losses claimed over the past three years by a variety of entities – some owned by wealthy individuals.
DESPITE a report recommending shops be allowed to remain open from 6:00am to 9:00pm, with a total deregulation of shopping hours in five years time, it is unlikely trading hours will change.
A 25 year career in the information technology industry has won AlphaWest network services manager Sharon Brown the Telstra Western Australian Business Woman of the Year Award.
GAMBLING businesses took more than $11,000 million in 1997-98, according to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, representing an increase of 42 per cent since 1994-95.
A PLAN to build a three storey office and apartment building at 1010 to 1018 Wellington Street in West Perth has been refused, despite an eleventh hour bid by Councillor Tess Stroud.
A PROGRAM designed to reduce car use and make better use of other means of transport has been introduced in South Perth. The TravelSmart program is a marketing campaign promoting the use of alternative transport.
A SOFTWARE package three years in development has won Combinatorics the prize in this year’s Asia-Pacific Information Technology and Telecommuni-cations Awards mining category.