CAREER coaching is becoming more acceptable in Australia.A coaching relationship is largely short term with a focus on changing behaviour that limits the client’s professional development.
UPGRADE proposals for Barrack Square, including a hotel and restaurant complex and a redevelopment of the jetty area, have been given the support of council.
TWO horticultural producers who found the quality of their corn deteriorated during export to Japan have received $200,000 to develop a cooling chain process to address the problem.
LEARNING about electronic commerce has become easier thanks to a CR-Rom produced as a result of this year’s Smart Business 99 Electronic Commerce Expo, held in Perth in March.
COUNCIL has written off the $67,395 debt owed by Michael and Sue Wilson for rent and other charges related to Sinatra’s Tavern in the City Station Concourse.
Chiefton Management was incorporated more than a decade ago to provide specialist services to building owners that would take care of all aspects of owning and running a building – a service termed ‘facilities management’.
Concern at the lack of commitment toward economic reform by political parties has prompted the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA to prepare a policy document.
Curtin University of Technology is moving to become an international centre for forensic science research and education and a major source of long-term assistance to nations, particularly in South East Asia, in crime solving through science.