SMALL business has done better than expected in terms of representation on the State Development Forum – a Government think tank aimed at stimulating development.The forum idea was floated in September with the announcement of six members.
THE recent shakeout and current gloomy economic environment haven’t stopped two Perth-based online companies from posting their first positive cash flows.
BOTH major parties contesting the November 10 Federal election appear to have paid only lip service to the concerns of business, according to the special election panel put together by Business News.
A WA-based tax-effective investment project aimed at raising about $10 million to produce a 40-minute long animated film has had an interim stop order placed on its prospectus by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
EVEN though both major political parties consider small business to be one of the target areas in the November 10 election, their efforts to reach them appear to have failed.
AN environment allowing leaders to bloom must be fostered if Australia is to succeed, says Edith Cowan University executive dean of the faculty of business and public management Wally Cox.
MULTI award-winning air conditioning business Ford & Doonan has moved into franchising.The first franchise has been set up in Mandurah and will be run by Brian and Louise Swift.
WA is on track to become the world’s third oil and gas capital after Houston and Aberdeen – particularly in terms of engineering design.But this ascension in terms of oil and gas is placing a strain on WA’s engineering base.
INDEPENDENT grocers Australia-wide are using the November 10 election to get their concerns about the growing strength of the Coles and Woolworths grocery chains heard.
THE last thing most small businesses in the financial services industry wanted after having to deal with the Y2K bug, the GST and soon to be introduced privacy laws was another administrative headache.
A YOUNG Perth entrepreneur is banking on the fact that WA’s top executives are really time poor.Steven Ward has set up a business called Lifestyle Concierge Services to “take the burden of everyday life off professionals in Perth”.
SOME groups invited to take part in the process to produce rules defining “employee-like” contractors for the WA Government’s new payroll tax regime have hit out at the Government’s insistence that the discussions be held confidentially.
WITH the Federal election fast approaching, small business looms as one of the key battlegrounds. Small business is a key constituent of both major parties.
HIGH fuel prices, rising insurance costs, an ageing workforce and stagnating haulage rates threaten to bring the State's trucking industry to its knees.
ONE major issue facing the truck industry is access to the Perth metropolitan area – something that will be a key discussion point at the Freight Planning Congress this weekend.
FEDERAL Labor’s GST rollback proposal runs the risk of returning Australian businesses to the old sales tax days and creating two separate tax systems.
INSURANCE customers, particularly in the property and aviation industries, could be in for a nasty Christmas present when their insurance premium bills come in.
MOVED to a new location and want to let your potential customers know where you are?The owners of the El Nino Cafe, one of the residents in the newly refurbished Hatch Building on Stirling Street Perth, have found an answer.
A NEW Internet service will make it easier for WA small businesses to get started.The Business Licence Information Service incorporates 6,000 small business licences to meet local, state and federal government requirements.
THE proposed introduction of the Premium Property Tax in WA has highlighted a flaw in the GST agreement the Federal Govern-ment signed with the States and Territories.