A WA-based combat theatre simulations technology provider is heading to major Australian defence expo SimTecT next month with high hopes of landing a defence contract.
SCHOOL principals’ jobs are becoming tougher as the battle for financial survival becomes harder.Independent schools have to find ways to fund their operations and any capital works developments they want to undertake.
DEVELOPMENT activity in Fremantle is exerting pressure on the city’s property market.The traditional mix of business and inner city residential is shifting, as major apartment developments swell the residential population.
THE gift of a health club membership from her father has created a successful business career for WA Business News 40 Under 40 program winner Louise Roberts.
BUSINESSES relying on direct mail as a means of communicating with their customers are facing a 20 per cent cost hike in July unless they change the way they operate.
INDUSTRIAL relations and staff management issues are proving problematic for both public and private schools in WA.Two of Perth’s leading private girl’s schools, Penhros and MLC, have had significant staff turnover.
THE three-fold increase in court fees facing business may not come to pass with the Opposition trying to mount a disallowance motion in the WA Legislative Council.New court fees came into effect from January 1.
LUNCH bars are emerging as a great entry-level business for people seeking a career in small business.At last count there were 23 lunch bars in the rapidly expanding industrial suburb of Malaga.
FIVE years ago, Perth designer Anna Chandler was working in the back shed of her home. How things have changed.Last week, Ms Chandler celebrated the shipment of her company’s first container load of gift and homewares to the US.
PUTTING systems in place to govern virtually every facet of the business has paid off for a Subiaco pharmacy.Friendlies Chemists Subiaco embarked on the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Quality Care Pharmacy program about 18 months ago.
PRESSURE appears to be mounting on the State Government to raise taxes in its forthcoming May budget.Over the past month, WA Treasurer Eric Ripper has been painting a grim picture of the State’s finances.
SMALL retailers in shopping centres signed up on net leases – where they have to pay rent plus outgoings – usually face a nasty letter from their landlord around September.
BUILDERS and contractors are being told by militant unions such as the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union who to hire and how much to pay them if one of their subcontractors goes broke.
HOT on the heels of its acquisition of former technological services partner, Chrome Global, the WA arm of public relations firm PPR has had some line-up changes.The firm has lost five staff members and gained six.
THE jury is still out on the efficiency of the WA Government’s Building Industry and Special Projects Inspectorate, even though it has charged a senior union figure for using intimidatory behaviour.
TREATING a business like an extended family unit has payed off for 23-year-old transport company Swan Gold Tours.The company was formed by husband-and-wife team Mike and Natalie Silvestri and is now run by their son, Maurizio.
MALAGA is moving away from its reputation as a sleepy hollow thanks to a business development boom.Osborne Park is rapidly becoming a retail, office and showroom precinct and land values are rising to match.
OUTLAW motorcycle gang members helping to organise stop-work meetings, people locked in sea containers, witness intimidation, builders forcing sub contractors to sign union Enterprise Bargaining Agreements and corporate
IT will be more than two years until the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre opens its doors to customers, but work to bring the people in has already begun.