CHIEF executives using recruitment firms as agents to secure them their next big contract? It may already be happening.
In the world of ‘executive search’, more colloquially known as head hunting, this appears to be a growing possibility.
A RECENT decision by the full bench of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission means that unions will not be able to push for bargaining fees in Federal certified agreements.
LESS than a year after it was bought out of financial difficulty, Western Australian advertising agency ReynoldStratagem has disappeared from the landscape.
CROSS selling, a practice that has been gaining momentum in big businesses for many years, could prove a successful tool for small businesses.
The aim of cross selling is to get more value from each customer.
In the second part of a four-part series on the recruitment industry Noel Dyson examines the question of whether the interview or a psychological test should count for more in the hiring process.
ONE-TIME NewTel holding Medic Vision has been bought for an undisclosed sum by one of its directors, Ross Horley, through his holding company Mindarie Holdings.
MANAGEMENT at WA’s largest advertising agency Marketforce is awaiting the outcome of weeks of speculation that eastern States-based agency George Patterson Bate
PROJECT managers could soon be able to lay their hands on a comprehensive list of project services providers.
Former project manager Horst Kambeck is putting together the
THE opportunity to create a game for a DVD content provider has turned into a long-term business opportunity for local programmers Anthony Wiese and Dan Fletcher, and has led to them supplying programs for the popular palm pilot device.
AFTER its successes with television shows such as Quads, Ocean Girl and the Silver Brumby, WA-based Animation Works is embarking on its latest production with the ABC.
Consolidation has emerged as one of the big issues facing the Western Australian recruitment industry as large players seek to increase their holdings within Australia. Noel Dyson reports in the first of a four-part series on the industry.
BATTLES continue to rage over who held the initial broadcast licence for embattled Western Australian community television station Channel 31, an argument that
THE battle for control of Christmas Island miner Phosphate Resources Limited has taken another turn with the company’s board backing down from its plans to conduct a $4.2 million rights issue.
UNION officials attempting to exercise their right of entry cannot be drug test-ed, according to a Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission decision.
THE beginning of a new year is always a good time to set some goals. But what goals should be set and how does somebody set them?
Dynamic Improvements managing director Graeme Alford said the procedure was fairly simple.
REFURBISHMENT works for St John of God Healthcare Subiaco could cost more than $100 million if a comprehensive cancer centre is added.
Without the cancer centre the bill runs to $78.8 million, with work to take place over the next five years.
DESPITE an incorrectly worded shareholder request, an extraordinary meeting of Christmas Island phosphate miner Phosphate Resources Limited shareholders is expected to be held in March.
LEGAL battles at the centre of the financial difficulties facing community broadcaster Channel 31 continue to rage, with the station in court this week to defend a $22 million claim against it.
TWO Western Australian companies have been taken to court for misleading advertising, one by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the other by