SMALL business groups are claiming a small victory following a Trade Practices Act review recommendation that will allow small businesses to band together to negotiate collectively with big businesses.
THERE are three main industrial instruments within Western Australia’s new industrial relations system – awards, individual contracts in the form of Employee Employer Agreements, and Enterprise Bargaining Agreements.
WHILE there may be a small run on The West Australian’s stock if cross media ownership laws change, it appears unlikely that the paper will become a takeover target.
FOURTEEN Western Australian employment services firms have picked up some of the $2.5 billion worth of Job Network business as part of an attempt to improve services to Australia’s unemployed.
THE advertising industry is mourning the loss of one of its most impressive figures with Ken Ferguson, a founding member of Marketforce and a driving force behind agencies such as The
THE process governing the redevelopment of Perth Oval could become a local government election issue after concerns were raised by two Town of Vincent councillors.
FEDERAL Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott has confirmed that the Government will set up a new agency to enforce the rule of law on construction sites.
A BOLD move to buy the Western Australian arm of photographic equipment giant Hanimex 25 years ago has created an enduring business that photographs the State’s school children – from Kununurra to Esperance.
AN often forgotten segment of the City of Perth’s history and culture could play a major role in the lord mayoral election.
The Greek and Italian communities, while not as visible as they once were, are said to hold considerable sway at the ballot box.
COMMUNITY television station Channel 31 has been given some breathing space after creditors accepted a deed of company arrangement that will leave most with just 20 cents in the dollar.
The pundits are hedging their bets in the upcoming race for lord mayor, with some well-qualified challengers lining up to take on the incumbent Dr Peter Nattrass. WA Business News’ reporters look at the candidates and their agendas.
PAYROLL specialists are encouraged by the increasing usage by business of payroll kiosk-type systems and the resultant easing of payroll officers’ face-to-face time with workers.
TWO brothers who have taken on the giants of the computer gaming industry are on the verge of success, with their game nearly complete for the Sony Playstation 2 platform and a ro
DESPITE the release of the Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry’s findings, little is expected to change in the Western Australian construction industry un
TWO years after it was launched VCubed Leisure Management and Marketing, a company set up to create innovative business models for various sectors, is to release its first business model – aimed at the tourism sector – in about four weeks.
A HIGH Court challenge has been threatened against a number of registered Australian Workplace Agreements because unions believe they are leaving workers worse off than they would be under the award.
FINANCIAL planning group Plan B is seeking an equity partner from the international money management arena in a bid to to capitalise on its recent growth and deal with the split f
SEVERAL prosecutions are to be launched in Western Australia as a result of the Interim Building Taskforce’s investigations into allegations of wrongdoing on construction sites.
AFTER 115 years in the business it would be safe to assume that Cecil Bros, the family company behind the well-known Betts and Betts brand, would know shoes.
DESPITE a rising Australian dollar and the fallout from recent terrorist attacks in Bali and the US, Western Australia’s incentive travel operators are expecting strong growth.
A NEW collaborative working approach – both among staff and with clients – has changed the fortunes of 303 Advertising, which won agency of the year at the recent Oasis Awards.
A STATE Government move to cash in on the golden handshakes given to executives is going to increase the cost of sacking staff, potentially from July 1.