WorkSafe has charged Toll Transport with failing to provide a safe environment after a worker was left with permanent leg injuries at the company’s Perth Airport premises.
Bunnings warehouses landlord BWP Trust has flagged a merger with Newmark Property in a $250 million deal set to create an 84-asset portfolio worth $3.5 billion.
Former Continental Coal company secretary Jane Flegg has pleaded guilty to three charges including stealing more than $2 million, the corporate watchdog says.
Cottesloe analyst Cameron Waugh has pleaded guilty to insider trading in Genesis Minerals' shares while a string of other charges against him was dismissed.
Chris Ellison’s Mineral Resources has boosted its stake in Kali Metals to 14 per cent, about a week after acquiring an almost 10 per cent shareholding.
The Federal Court has approved a six-month extension sought by administrators of collapsed miner Panoramic Resources as they examine the dozens of expressions of interest to buy.
The developer behind an approved apartment building in Nedlands has resubmitted the proposal to add extra height and dwellings, taking the estimated cost to $16 million.
West Perth-based AVZ Minerals has secured an interim win in an ongoing international arbitration against the Democratic Republic of Congo over a mine licence.
A former Breight Group manager has launched legal action against three of the company’s shareholders over a 15 per cent shareholding estimated to be worth up to $7.5 million.
A national telecommunications company has paid a $259,440 penalty after failing to comply with customer identification rules and causing customers to fall victim to scams.
Business partners Adrian Fini and Nic Trimboli’s multi-million-dollar proposal to redevelop a Fremantle heritage asset has been approved by a development panel.
A deli and cafe on the Victoria Park dining strip has closed its doors, with a liquidator citing impacts from COVID as one of the reasons for the shutdown.