A traditional short-coming of real estate valuers is their lack of marketing skills says newly appointed Australian Property Institute WA president Murray Stubbs.
NANNUP locals have asked Forest Products Minister Paul Omodei to confirm the WA Government’s commitment to provide 20,000 cubic metres of first grade sawlog for a value-adding project to support current employment levels in the town.
THE emerging economies of WA, Queensland and the Northern Territory will surge ahead in the next five years with growth in excess of the national average, says a new study by BIS Shrapnel.
FEDERAL Minister for Trade Mark Vaile has returned after leading over forty senior business people to the Middle East on one of Australia’s largest ministerial trade missions.
THE Federal Government has failed in its attempt to educate commercial landlords on the implication of the GST on their investments says Chesterton International managing director Graham Iddles.
REGIONAL Australia is being sold short by Internet web site designers who are creating barriers and holding back widespread Internet usage, according to a new report from the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.
DEVELOPMENT and building approval times in the City of Bunbury have been halved under the streamlined processing system, says City of Bunbury CEO Michael Whitaker.
WHILE much attention has been drawn to the recent disturbance involving police and the media during a visit by the Prime Minister John Howard, little or no attention has been paid to the event which Mr Howard was attending at the time.
INCOME tax cuts due in July will offset any slowdown in housing demand, says national land development group, Peet & Co managing director Warwick Hemsley.
HEGNEY Property Valuations has announced its intention to expand into the South West by opening an office in Margaret River servicing Bunbury through to Augusta.
IRONICALLY, in the electronic age, one of the world’s oldest forms of trade is making a comeback. Trade in barter dollars has been proving internationally successful for the past thirty years.
THE real estate industry will be further hampered if the Federal and State Governments act on the advice given by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission following a review on the industry.
THE outlook for the property market in 2000 looks good despite rising interest rates says Real Estate Institute of WA public affairs director Lino Iacomella.
PROPOSED changes to the Building Act currently before Cabinet will introduce competition to local government services, says Local Government Minister Paul Omodei.
EMPLOYER confidence about employment growth has decreased in the first quarter of 2000 when compared to the final quarter of 1999, according to the recent Morgan & Banks Job Index.
AT A time when the level of share ownership in Australia is the highest in the western world, members of the public are understandably clamouring for more information and research to help them come to grips with the share market.