The trend for private sector housing building approvals in WA has fallen for the first time in seven months, new figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics for the month of April show.
Site clearance, to make way for the Moorings, the Lester Groups riverside development in North Fremantle, has commenced amid speculation that the $16 million first stage of the project may never be offered to the public.
The net value of farm production is forecast to fall by 7.6 per cent to $3.3 billion in 1999-2000 according to the latest issue of Australian Commo-dities – Forecasts and Issues, released by the Australian Bureau of Agri-culture and Resource economics.
Bullcreek Shopping Cen-tre, owned by the Government Employees Superannuation Board has been sold by tender for $51 million to Schroders Property fund, keeping ownership in Australian hands.
Universities are not a cost to society. They could be the key to riding out WA’s resource sector downturn says Curtin University of Technology vice chancellor Lance Twomey.
AUSTRALIA must find a third way because capitalism and socialism are failing the country says Monash University International Centre for Management in Government senior research fellow Race Matthews.
A recent treaty signing has opened the doors to complete foreign ownership of Australia’s four largest banks.This could have a ripple down effect on WA’s small businesses.
THE construction industry accounted for almost half of all working days lost in Aust-ralia in the 12 months ending February, says the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
RURAL WA will get a boost from some of the projects outlined in this State Budget. Nearly $40 million has been set aside for the development of the $200 million maritime support facility and the marine industry technology park at Jervoise Bay.
THE WA Government’s much vaunted $3.3 billion capital works program will put WA further into the red during 1999-2000. This represents an increase of more than $600 million from forward estimates.
THE Federal Government should hold the line, press ahead with a reform agenda of the financial sector and avoid any tendency towards populist backsliding, which could undo all the good that has been done says ASX chairman, Maurice Newman.
ORDINARY shares have outperformed all other investment sectors over the past ten years, according to an investment sector performance report for the Australian Stock Exchange by Towers Perrin.
WA business leaders and academics have given this Federal Budget the big thumbs up. In Perth, more than 130 business leaders and academics were treated to an analysis of the Budget at a Committee for Economic Development of Australia briefing.
15.9 million litres of Australian produced wine worth $82.3 million was exported in February according to new Australian Bureau of Statistics figures released recently.
Grapegrowers and wineries will be feeling the squeeze over the next few years if predictions by the Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics (ABARE) prove correct.
A MODEST increase in the net value of farm production is forecast in 1999-2000 according to the March issue of ‘Australian Commodities - Forecasts and Issues’ released last week by ABARE.
CSR, National Australia Bank and Howard Smith should outperform the 50 leaders index over the next quarter, according to a report produced by Macquarie Porter Western.