At the core of AAP Newswire is our unbiased, 24/7 breaking newswire that feeds the latest news from Australia and the world. Supported by over 200 journalists, AAP Newswire provides the news that matters.
A clash is looming at an Aboriginal "tent embassy" in Perth after the police commissioner urged the city council to order the protesters off a public reserve.
Investors have baulked at David Jones' ambitious plans to revamp its customer service and boost online sales after digesting news that full year profits could slump by as much as 40 per cent.
Gina Rinehart's Hancock Prospecting continues to target a 30 per cent equity sale of its $9.5 billion Roy Hill iron ore project but won't confirm speculation about the breakdown of that interest.
The state government has re-advertised notices of intention to compulsorily acquire land in the Kimberley for a $30 billion gas hub after the original notices were ruled invalid by the Supreme Cour
The Australian Greens and Labor are in a stand-off over corporate tax cuts linked to the minerals resource rent tax (MRRT) passed by parliament this week.
Earnings from resources and energy exports are predicted to continue to grow at a strong pace for at least the next five years, but economic growth more generally looks set to remain sluggish in th
The federal opposition has seized on a report that suggests Australians face some of the highest electricity prices in the world to further its attack on Labor's carbon tax.
Foreign Minister Bob Carr has described as "recklessly irresponsible" Clive Palmer's claim that the CIA is sponsoring green groups in a bid to wreck the Australian economy.
The Australian share market has opened half a per cent lower following the lead of international markets amid fresh concerns over China's cooling economy after a warning on dropping iron ore demand
The state government should not waste taxpayers' money by joining a court challenge against the federal government's mining tax if there's no reasonable chance of success, state Opposition Leader M
US stocks have posted modest losses amid concerns about cooling economic growth in China and mixed data on the troubled US housing construction sector.
Patrick Stevedores owner Asciano has applied to Fair Work Australia to resume conciliation talks with the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) over an enterprise agreement dispute following strikes at
The corporate regulator's boss says David Jones' decision to go into a trading halt was justified if the alternative was an uninformed market trading in its shares.
The Reserve Bank of Australia believes the nation's booming mining industry is balancing out weakness in other parts of the economy, suggesting there was no need to cut interest rates.
Fortescue Metals Group is seeking legal advice on plans to challenge the federal government's new mining tax in the High Court, though the company has conceded there is no certainty it will pr
The Australian share market finished stronger, boosted by the resources sector with iron ore players Fortescue Metals Group and Atlas Iron the standouts.
Agribusiness Elders expects a substantial injection of cash if it emerges the winner in a long-running tax dispute with the Australian Taxation Office.