There’s unprecedented investment in Australia’s defence industry manufacturers as the government embarks on the most significant armed build-up in a generation.
Perth’s housing value remained steady through September as economic conditions in Melbourne and Sydney weighed negatively on the national market, according to new CoreLogic data.
Resource Development Group has secured work at Fortescue Metals Group’s Solomon Hub, while a contract with Chinese-owned Minjar Gold has been terminated.
SRG Global has secured a new, $100 million contract with South32 for work at its alumina operations in Western Australia, as well as a $25 million extension.
Flight Centre is closing 90 of its travel agencies across the world, having already cut about 4,000 jobs this year due to the pandemic ravaging the travel industry.
Gina Rinehart’s Atlas Iron has been given the go-ahead from the state’s environmental authorities to develop a new mine, Miralga Creek, in the Pilbara.
Australian Defence Force personnel are set to arrive in Port Hedland in Western Australia's north to help contain a COVID-19 outbreak linked to an offshore vessel.
The World Health Organisation has updated its guidance on the use of masks, advising all children above the age of 12 to wear face coverings where appropriate.
The NSW premier insists the controversial Narrabri coal seam gas project went through a robust assessment before it was approved, sparking outrage from locals.
Investors on the ASX ramped up their sell-off after the first debate for the US presidency, and the market had its first monthly fall since the pandemic first gripped Australia.
After falling to record lows in the June quarter, Western Australian consumer confidence has returned to pre-pandemic levels, according to the September edition of CCIWA's consumer confidence survey.
Demand for new houses remained strong in August, particularly in Western Australia, following the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions in most jurisdictions.
Subiaco-based Indiana Resources is seeking more than $US95 million from the government of Tanzania in relation to breaches associated with the company’s nickel project.
Armstrong Parkin Architects has been appointed to design South Metropolitan TAFE's new multi-storey Armadale campus, which will provide industry relevant training and revitalise the local area.
Opposition leader Liza Harvey has pledged to spend $200 million to create 20,000 trade and apprentice roles if elected premier at the upcoming state election.
An internationally renowned radio astronomer and a pioneer in epigenomics were jointly named WA's Scientist of the Year at last night’s Premier's Science Awards.
Hesperia, in partnership with Birchmead Property Group, has acquired Lot 118 within the Murdoch Health and Knowledge Precinct, to deliver approximately 120 residential apartments.