Restaurants, gyms and beauty parlours will be required to keep contact registers from next month despite the state government refusing to say when WA's border will fully reopen.
The Supreme Court has delivered a tactical win to the WA government in its legal battle with Clive Palmer but strongly criticised legislation that is subject to a High Court appeal.
Retailer Harvey Norman has experienced a revenue boost since the start of the new financial year, putting it on course for a strong rise in pre-tax profit.
Gold stocks were sold heavily today after an overnight fall in the price of the yellow metal but strength in other sectors saw the ASX close solidly higher.
Businesses in the Pilbara will soon have better access to international supply chains after shipping company Sea Swift announced a regular, scheduled service between Singapore and Dampier.
Losses to online shopping scams have surged during the COVID-19 pandemic, with Scamwatch now warning people to be cautious when buying their Christmas presents online.
Global engineering firm Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology has signed a long-term lease for a purpose-built workshop at Roe Highway Logistics Park in Kenwick.
Zak Kirkup says he aims to win the March state election, promising there will be no deviation between the opposition or government on COVID-19 health policy.