The Metro-Inner Development Assessment Panel has deferred a decision on an $18 million development in Shenton Park the local government recommended it refuse.
Australia's share market moved little for a third consecutive session, but consumer price data due in the US threatens to reignite inflation fears and send markets downwards.
Aboriginal-led grower group Noongar Land Enterprise Group has officially opened its new Boola Boornap native tree farm, an asset tipped to produce more than 2.5 million seedlings annually.
Premier Mark McGowan arrived in Kalbarri this morning to assess the devastation left by Tropical Cyclone Seroja, comparing the once bustling tourism destination to a war zone.
Work to improve access for vendors at Yagan Square will get under way within weeks, new Lands Minister Tony Buti says, after the precinct suffered a wave of closures.
Global fund manager Blackstone has changed a condition of its proposed purchase of Crown Resorts, as two royal commissions threaten to strip licences from the gaming group.
The federal energy minister has launched a strident defence of gas, claiming those against expanding the fossil fuel's role in Australia are against the interests of the nation.
Emergency Services personnel continue to provide support to those in the state’s Mid-West after Tropical Cyclone Seroja cut power to properties and damaged homes.
The startlingly realistic sculptures and installations by Abdul-Rahman Abdullah in ‘Everything Is True’ issue a challenge to apply our own versions of the truth to them, Craig McKeough writes.
The pharmaceutical and medical technology sector in WA has launched an industry association, more than one year after the state government promised its own growth plan for the industry.
A crew member onboard a vessel off waters in the state’s north west is being transferred to Royal Perth Hospital this afternoon after testing positive for COVID-19.
The Real Estate Institute of Western Australia has revised its predictions for house price growth in 2021, forecasting a 15 per cent increase by the end of this year.