Not-for-profit Anglicare WA will close the four op shops it operates in the state, deeming the arm of the business no longer financially viable after 40 years in operation.
The opposition has bypassed the state government and today written directly to the prime minister to formally outline its request for a royal commission into The Perth Mint.
Sodexo Australia has secured two contracts worth $170 million to provide its accommodation, housekeeping and catering services at sites across Western Australia.
Clive Palmer’s private company has posted a bumper annual profit of $276 million as he continues to benefit from a lucrative royalties deal on a Pilbara iron ore project.
Vacant land earmarked for a Scarborough skyscraper has become an eyesore after a multi-million-dollar project by Chinese developer 3 Oceans Property continues to stall.
Dug Technology had millions tied up with Silicon Valley Bank before its collapse, but is not expecting any financial loss after the US Federal Reserve assured customer deposits would be secured.
Mining magnate Andrew Forrest has urged Australia to take bold steps to transform its energy sector after the latest United Nations report on global warming.
SMS Rental is suing a Norton Gold Fields-related company for almost $13 million, alleging the Kalgoorlie business has failed to pay invoices issued for mining and maintenance services.
Perth Mint chairman Sam Walsh and mines minister Bill Johnston have fronted media for the first time since a standards breach embroiled the state’s mint in another public spectacle this month.
Interactive has bought Western Australia-based Slipstream Cyber Security, with the national service provider claiming the acquisition came at a critical time for Australian enterprises amid cyber threats.
The state's Court of Appeal has dismissed former WA Labor candidate Tristan Cockman's application contesting a ruling relating to his unsuccessful preselection bid for the seat of Cowan.
Hastings Technology Metals has secured a letter of support for up to $100 million in government funding to develop its proposed Yangibana rare earths project.
Former politician and prominent board director Ben Wyatt has been announced as the new chair of Perth Festival, which has also appointed three new members to its board.
Margaret River-based Smilov Spirits has opened pre-orders for its new lavender gin, following the success of its vodka launched during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Andrew Forrest's Wyloo Metals has lobbed a $760 million cash takeover for restarting nickel player Mincor Resources, using the target’s ailing share price in a bid to sway investors.