Mark McGowan will resign as the premier of Western Australia by the end of the week, after revealing he does not have the energy and drive to continue in the role.
Architect and City of Perth Councillor Sandy Anghie has confirmed she will challenge incumbent Basil Zempilas to become Perth's lord mayor at the election this October.
The orchestra is huge and so is the music. Bourby Webster revels in the masterful direction of two of opera’s greatest composers and welcomes the next generation to the stage.
Bioenergy company Delorean Corporation has suspended trading in its shares after disclosing it needed to raise more than $2 million to pay a debt owed to the Clean Energy Regulator.
Perth partner Justin Carroll has become interim chair of PwC Australia, which has directed nine partners to go on leave but resisted calls from the prime minister to name all partners involved in its tax scandal.
In this podcast Mark Pownall and Mark Beyer discuss the PwC tax scandal, new rental laws, BHP labour warning, Native title breakthrough, Nedlands aged care, Infrastructure, Indigenous business, menopause and universal construction.
The federal government’s proposed Same Job Same Pay legislation is a reflection of policy makers not living “in the real world”, according to Byrnecut Group executive director Steve Coughlan.
Green ammonia producers Kinara Power and Blue Diamond have progressed lease negotiations for land in the Oakajee Strategic Industrial Area in the Mid West.
Billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes is set to acquire collapsed renewable energy business Sun Cable, despite previous interest from former project partner Andrew Forrest.
Multinational human services provider APM has won a $720 million contract to provide its services in the UK but declared its earnings growth was expected to take a hit.
The state government has flagged reforms to tenancy laws in a bid to balance the rights between tenants and landlords, including banning rent bidding and allowing pets.
A $119.6 million conditional federal government grant awarded under the Modern Manufacturing Initiative program to a battery mineral refinery hub near Kalgoorlie will not go ahead.
As regulators scrutinise Perth Mint and the state government reviews its ownership, the business has continued to lose market share to rival ABC Refinery.
Mining giant Rio Tinto has topped long-time market leader Fortescue Metals Group as the biggest supporter of Indigenous businesses in WA, data compiled by Business News shows.
Two Western Australia health projects are among 19 national recipients sharing $12 million in commercial acceleration funding from a CSIRO-backed fund.