The combination of sand, barbed wire and special plastic bags may not sound like a high-tech alternative to bricks and mortar, but ‘earthbags’ could offer an affordable housing solution to homeowners in Western Australia.
Cedar Woods Properties Ltd has made a fast start to the new year, posting a record half-year net profit of $13.8 million and gaining approval for a $1 billion redevelopment project at Laverton Airfield in Victoria last week.
At one time embroiled in a public debate over the proposed redevelopment of Perth Town Hall precinct and 121-year old Treasury Buildings, the City of Perth and the Department of Housing and Works are preparing to work together to get the project back on t
The state government decision to abolish rental letting fees from April 5 has raised concern among some in the sector of even greater pressure being placed on tenants in the form of higher rents.
Fundraising by not-for-profit groups in Western Australia is about to be subject to greater regulation, with the drafting of a new bill to improve accountability in the sector.
Sport can be a tough business, both on and off the field. Despite WA’s strong economy and penchant to spend, corporate sponsorship is as hard as ever for some sporting codes to score.
Western Australia’s corporate sector is splashing out on entertaining at a level not seen since the heydays of the 1980s, according to several top-tier catering companies.
There’s no question Western Australia needs a bigger and better outdoor stadium for football and cricket, as well as a dedicated rectangular stadium for rugby and soccer; the questions that remain are where to put them and who will rule.
Fears held by the state’s two AFL clubs about the impact of Super 14 club the Western Force on the corporate hospitality market have proved unfounded, with boxes for all three clubs sold out for the 2007 season.
Few would disagree that February 2007 was the month the dual questions of perceived water shortages and suspected climate change were firmly embedded onto Australia’s political stage.
Fans of A-League soccer team Perth Glory had cause to celebrate last week when the team announced its long-awaited takeover by a trio of prominent Perth businessmen.
Former Australian cricketer and Western Australian captain, Graeme Wood, is gearing up for his toughest test yet, as the new chief executive of the WA Cricket Association.
Rick Hart has revealed he will step down as president of Fremantle Football Club in 2009, leaving recently appointed board member Richard Goyder as a contender for the top job.
In the first of a series of interviews with the state's leading sporting coaches, John Worsfold provides an insight into some of the strategies he uses to drive the West Coast Eagles' success.
Blackburne Real Estate is bracing for a big year ahead, with a new name and fresh image to be part of its planned push into east coast and international property markets.
An expression of interest campaign has been launched by the state government for the landmark $1.1 billion Fiona Stanley Hospital at Murdoch, with submissions to be accepted until March 16.
Western Australia’s love affair with double-brick homes is just one of the many hurdles the local industry needs to overcome if it wants to produce houses that are more sustainable and energy efficient, according to a leading Melbourne researcher.
Several Western Australian homebuilders are worried that the industry will lose key tradespeople to lucrative resources sector work if the housing market continues to slow.
The adoption of green building principles is gathering momentum in Perth’s commercial development circles, with environmental consultants in high demand and owners of existing office buildings under pressure to take-on green practices.
Perth-based property developer Axiom Properties Ltd has capped off a big month in February, taking a 17 per cent slice of Queensland property investment and development company, Eumundi Group Ltd, for $4.3 million.
Dentistry may still be largely a cottage industry, according to DB Dental owner David Bailey, but the industry is following other health professions in a trend towards corporatisation.
The growing economies of South-East Asia provide significant opportunities for Australian businesses, and bilateral trade agreements in the region are a necessary step in moving towards a global free trade environment.
Achieving improvements in students’ confidence levels and academic performance is the driving force behind not-for-profit group Australian Business and Community Network, which recently appointed a manager for Western Australia and officially launched its
Perth-based property developer Axiom Properties Ltd has made a takeover bid for Queensland property group Eumundi Group Ltd after acquiring 17 per cent of the company for $4.3 million.
Perth-based property developer Axiom Properties Ltd has acquired the headquarters of Melbourne's The Age newspaper at 250 Spencer St, in a joint venture with Industry Superannuation Property Trust No.3, for $66.1 million.
With the political stage now set for a federal election in October or November, and any upheaval in the upper echelons of Western Australia’s two major parties before the February 2009 state contest unlikely, a cursory look at various contenders is worthw