Reducing the environmental footprint of Perth’s new and existing office stock has become a major commitment for landlords, developers, architects and tenants alike; and now interior designers are finding themselves part of the equation.
DIVERSIFIED property player Aspen Group Ltd says its conservative debt position has placed it in a ‘sound position’, despite the volatility and uncertainty prevailing in the listed property sector.
Perth-based custom software developer, Beacon Technology, has been bought by global IT management consulting firm The Birchman Group, marking the group’s first acquisition in Australia and in the Asia-Pacific region
PERTH’S northern suburbs are tipped to provide some good opportunities for investors and owner occupiers, as more properties come onto the market and sellers become more willing to negotiate, accordin
Professor Stephen Martin (pictured) has been appointed deputy vice-chancellor of strategy and planning at Curtin University of Technology, replacing Professor Greg Craven.
The Perth CBD retail property market remains strong with rents up in the December quarter on the previous year, according to research from CB Richard Ellis
Annual Conference: A decade of building partnerships The Australian Technology Network of Universities is holding an annual conference from January 29 to 31 at Curtin University.
Many readers of State Scene will remember Pete Seeger’s popular and catchy song of the 1960s, ‘Where have all the Flowers Gone’.
It’s perhaps because the word, flowers, seems to rhyme with ‘farmers’ that I’ve found myself humming it lately.
After a year of wrangling between key stakeholders, the starter’s gun has been fired on the city’s stadium project and Western Australia looks likely to have a 60,000-seat facility by 2016.
As the debate over Perth’s new multi-use stadium has demonstrated, AFL wields the most influence of all codes in Western Australian sport, with the state’s two clubs among the most financially successful in the national competition.
Outside of the lucrative environment of the AFL, finding sponsorship can be tough in the arena of sport, with many clubs turning instead to private investment.
A new study of one of the state’s first not-for-profit institutions, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals WA (RSPCA), may provide a valuable link to the past for historians and ideas for creating a successful structure for other not-
ADELAIDE corporate law firm, Johnson Winter & Slattery, has continued its national expansion, recruiting two senior Freehills partners to establish a Perth office.
The state’s new multi-purpose stadium may be getting all the headlines, but several other infrastructure projects in Western Australian sport are already going ahead, or close to being finalised.
PALADIN Energy Ltd plans to dual list on the Namibian Stock Exchange on February 14, joining fellow Western Australian uranium player Deep Yellow, which listed earlier this year.
AS companies scramble to pre-commit to newly constructed office space coming online in the next few years, the reality of the commercial office market is forcing many to take a somewhat piecemeal appr
ROB Bransby has been appointed managing director of HBF. Mr Bransby was appointed chief executive officer of HBF in January 2007 after joining HBF in October 2005 as general manager.
Covering territory equivalent in size to the whole of Western Europe, the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan has attracted plenty of interest from Western Australian companies seeking to exploit its mineral reserves.
THE state government has announced the first release of acreage for geothermal exploration. The acreage stretches from south of Kalbarri down to Dunsborough and goes inland about 250km.
JUBILEE Mines NL founding chairman Kerry Harmanis (pictured), along with directors Alan Senior and Gary Pearce and company secretary Gary Lethridge, have all resigned after the takeover of the comp
Two months after UK company Cape plc completed its $250 million takeover of Malaga scaffolding and formwork supplier PCH Group Ltd, nearly the entire management team has left PCH.