Tax credits for processing in-demand battery minerals onshore are "on the table" as the federal government considers the next phase of industry support.
The local share market has finished basically unchanged after the Reserve Bank kept rates on hold for a third month, while the local currency plummeted.
Yara Pilbara is unconvinced all producers are meeting domestic gas supply obligations in good faith, joining a chorus to question current supply arrangements.
Beach Energy has called for greater flexibility in WA’s domestic gas supply policy around LNG exports, warning the state’s domestic gas inquiry of “unintended consequences”.
Former AFL players Will Schofield and Chris Masten alongside hotel operators and wine distributors are seeking to establish an ‘urban winery’ and restaurant in the heart of Fremantle.
Former local government minister Tony Simpson will campaign for better boating facilities, major retailers to set up shop, and more youth entertainment.
Perth will deliver 43,000 square meters of retail space over the next three years, limiting options for renters but raising profits for retail landlords.
The trial over billions of dollars of iron ore royalties has been closed for the court to discuss Rio Tinto’s confidential information on the Pilbara mines it co-owns with Hancock Prospecting.
The Reserve Bank of Australia has held the nation’s cash rate steady for a third consecutive month, in the final decision reached under governor Philip Lowe’s six-year tenure at its helm.
A pump fault has put Chevron’s Wheatstone domestic gas facility offline, days out from potential industrial action against the LNG producer by Offshore Alliance as part of ongoing EBA negotiations.
Former Liberal candidate Peter Hudson will contest his third election in 18 months, after putting his hat in the ring for the City of Rockingham council ahead of the 2023 local government elections.
The state government has moved on progressing its proposed Advanced Manufacturing and Technology Hub in the South West after engaging Deloitte to undertake a feasibility study.
An Australian team will fly to Indonesia to work with authorities, as a key deadline over concerns around lumpy skin disease in live cattle exports draws closer.
Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce will leave his job immediately - two months earlier than expected - to allow the airline to "accelerate its renewal".
Mineral Resources has sought to pluck Alita Resources’ Bald Hill lithium mine out of the hands of administrators after the Foreign Investment Review Board blocked a bid from a foreign buyer.
Leo Lithium shares traded 50 per cent lower today after the company emerged from a trading suspension with clarification on issues at its lithium project in Mali.
Lawyers for Hancock Prospecting have doubled down on the risk it claimed to have shouldered in the decades taken to develop Pilbara tenements, during a court trial over billions of dollars of royalties.