Property developers in Western Australia may soon be required to pay local governments an amount of money towards community infrastructure determined by a set calculation, under a policy to be introduced by the state government.
The state government has introduced a new long-term rental model for the inner-city area, which aims to increase the supply of affordable rental accommodation in Perth.
It ranks poorly in terms of salary and is largely ignored in immigration quotas, yet the hospitality sector is viewed as critical in terms of helping Western Australia overcome its labour shortages.
Former Liberal senator Ian Campbell is an unlikely eco-warrior but his track record since leaving federal parliament last year definitely has a green tinge, albeit with a very corporate approach.
With transit-oriented, high density development firmly on the state government’s agenda, the Town of Vincent is planning to rezone a large area of land along Newcastle Street to allow mixed-use development of five and six storeys in height.
The State Government has announced that Expressions of Interest were being called from the private sector to perform vehicle examinations on behalf of the Department of Planning and Infrastructure.
The Australian forest industry has continued its growth of recent years, with plantations, exports and the volume of logs harvested all increasing over the past financial year, according to a new ABARE report.
Construction and engineering firm Macmahon Holdings Ltd has launched a $446 million takeover bid for Canning Vale-based Ausdrill Ltd, a year after the drilling contractor revealed it had been approached by an unidentified suitor.
Uranium explorer Bannerman Resources Ltd has awarded GRD Ltd subsidiary GRD Minproc a contract to carry out a bankable feasibility study for its Namibian mine project.
The Perth Convention Bureau has secured 10 conferences over the last two months that are expected to deliver over $26.4 million of deligate spending to the State.
New motor vehicle sales in Western Australia rose by 2 per cent in April, bucking the trend as higher interest rates and rising fuel costs saw national sales fall by 0.8 per cent seasonally adjusted, the Australian Bureau of Statistics said today.
Western Australians Dr Ron Edwards and Professor Fiona Stanley will join 11 other members on the Australian Social Inclusion Board, which will meet today for the first time.
Wave energy and clean tech developer Carnegie Corporation Ltd has raised $2.5 million through a private placement to institutional and sophisticated investors.
Epsilon Energy has entered a trading halt as shares in the Subiaco-based explorer skyrocketed by as much as 411 per cent in trade today, after an exploration target of 1 billion tonnes of iron ore was revealed for its Mardie project in the Pilbara.
West Perth based Ampella Mining Limited has appointed Dr Paul Kitto to the role of Chief Executive Officer, reporting directly to the Company's Board of Directors.
Over two thirds of Australians expect to receive a pay rise this year, with one third claiming they will look for another job if their request is unsuccessful, a survey says.
Macquarie's golden run finally falters; Reserve fuels rate rise fears; SMS sheds jobs, seeks capital after grant axed; Mitchell expands WA presence with $6.2m agency buyout; New Orbital chief to run a full review of operations
West Perth based Overland Resources Ltd has lodged a prospectus to raise $10 million, with funds being used to conduct a full feasibility production study at its Andrew Zinc Deposit in Canada.
The recent appointment of The Board of Infrastructure Australia, who will allocate funding from the $20 billion national infrastructure fund, has been condemned by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia for not giving WA business a dire
Manas Resources Ltd, the spin-off company of Balcatta-based gold miner Perseus Mining Ltd, has launched a $6 million initial public offering to further its exploration efforts in the Kyrgyz Republic of Central Asia.
In a positive sign for the battered listed property sector, Perth-based developer and investment player Aspen Group, has launched a new property fund, seeking to raise $40 million.
The Home Building Society name will disappear from Western Australia, with the Bank of Queensland announcing it consolidate its local operations under its own brand name from June 2008.
IAG spurns QBE's revised offer; Burrup says Apache deal ends gas shortfall fears; BHP pushes ship rates to record; Predators line up for bite at Albidon nickel; Woodside breaks $70 as resources stocks boom
West Perth based Atlas Iron Ltd is planning to begin operations and export of iron ore from its Pardoo Project in October, awarding Northern Territory based CDE Capital Pty Ltd the mining contract for the project.
Perth-based nickel miner Albidon Ltd could be in play as a takeover target after its major shareholder revealed plans to sell its blocking stake worth some $37 million.