There's an elephant in the room. Whether it's a public forum or a boardroom discussion, if the topic is climate change or lower emissions or the pricing of carbon, there it is - big and hard to miss, but somehow going unnoticed.
Carbon trading is still inconvenient and opponents, including many export industries, want no inconvenience, according to West Perth-based lobby WA Sustainable Energy Association.
THE Note has always been cautious about throwing stones in glass houses, but a missive from Liberal environment and climate change spokesperson Robyn McSweeney left us with no choice.
Following Chinese steel company Sinosteel's announcement that it had secured majority control in iron ore miner Midwest Corporation last week, questions have been raised regarding the potential of future acquisitions of WA mining companies.
WEST Perth-based Albidon Limited has delivered the first concentrate at its fully-owned Munali Nickel Project, 60 kilometres south of the Zambian capital Lusaka.
West Perth-based Monarch Gold Mining Company Ltd is the latest in a series of casualties in the gold sector as the historically lucrative industry continues its fall from grace.
AFTER five years in the role, inaugural state architect Geoffrey London has decided not to renew his contract when it expires at the end of the year, and will instead move to Melbourne to take up the
PERTH-BASED Pty Ltd has formed a partnership with internet company Yahoo!7 to provide a rich user experience for Australian renters and landlords.
Flicking through the professional recruitment pages, its clear to see the intense competition for candidates in the Western Australia's tight employment market.
The image of Fortescue Metals Group executive director Andrew Forrest waving an Australian flag from the front of an iron ore train to mark his company's entry into the export market in May appeared to capture the spirit of the state's mining boom.
A new system for calculating developer contributions to the Water Corporation may be introduced by the state government, if recommendations by the WA Economic Regulation Authority are adopted.
The WA Sustainable Energy Association and the Australian Institute of Energy are to hold a breakfast entitled ‘BP Statistical Review of World Energy’, to be presented by London-based Christof Rue
Curtin University of Technology came forward as one of the best employer brands in this year's WA Business News Branding Survey, featuring along the large corporate firms and perennial performers Wesfarmers, BankWest, Woodside and RAC.
In times of financial stress, such as those we are currently experiencing, investment patterns and behaviour should be informed and strengthened by lessons passed on from successful investors, such as Warren Buffet and the legendary Sir John Templeton.
Energy: Alternatives and opportunities beyond the resources expansion The Australian British Chamber of Commerce is to host a breakfast briefing featuring guest speaker, Energy Minister Francis Logan.
The Perth Convention Bureau has engaged advertising agency Marketforce to develop a business events brand for Western Australia to promote better the state as an international meetings, incentive and convention destination.
The Western Australian business success story that everyone has been talking about in the past twelve months, Fortescue Metals Group, has topped the emerging brands list.
The rapid increase in membership at the not-for-profit WA Sustainable Energy Association is evidence of the growing acceptance by industry of a carbon-restrained future, according to chief executive Ray Wills.
A wages stoush with the Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union has shone the spotlight on the operations of the not-for-profit St John Ambulance Australia WA.
Microbrewers Gage Roads Brewing and Little Creatures have featured in the top five emerging brands in the WA Business News branding survey every year for the past four years.
Experienced engineer Bruce Cameron is hoping his commercial skills will help turn around the fortunes of struggling technology company Antaria Ltd, which this month adopted a new name to signify a fresh start and change of focus.
Two advertising campaigns launched at the same time by the same agency have made iiNet and Murdoch University the most improved brands in this years' WA Business News branding survey.
Bastille Day, which was celebrated in France and by French around the world earlier this week, is poised to become a high-profile event in Perth as the number of French chefs bringing their flair t