Confidencce in the Western Australian rural sector has bucked the national trend and risen slightly, although levels are still well below the near record highs of last year, according to the latest Rabobank survey.
Local Government Minister John Castrilli has announced $10,000 financial packages for local councils that agree to prepare submissions for voluntary amalgamation by the August deadline.
Four Western Australian housing providers have gained approval to build more than 400 new affordable rental homes for low and middle income families under the first round of the National Affordable Rental Scheme.
Government and industry have endorsed the Environmental Protection Authority's proposal to adopt a new 'risk based' approach for project assessment, unveiled in a report today.
Barnett hints at shop hours change this year; China holds fire on OZ veto; 400 BankWest jobs under threat; Recession to blow out budget deficit; Banks crunch on depositors
Mines and Petroleum Minister Norman Moore met senior BHP Billiton executives today to discuss the company's response to recent fatalities at its iron ore operations in the Pilbara.
China Minmetals' proposed takeover of OZ Minerals cannot go ahead if it incudes the target's mining operations in Prominent Hill because it would breach national security, Treasurer Wayne Swan says.
The seven Filipino 457 workers who were laid off from Premier Building Solutions have lost their bid to stay in Australia and are likely to be deported after April 9.
Australia's major forestry companies are disappointed they have not negotiated an increase for the benchmark price of exported Tasmanian bluegum woodchip with Japan.
Hannans Reward director Terry Grammer has resigned following outraged calls yesterday by chairman Richard Scallan that he step down after accepting Fox Resources' takeover offer.
Patersons Securities will takeover the broking arm of Tolhurst whose shareholders today agreed to sell the business for $2 million, well below the figures originally mooted for the deal.
Property developer Peet plans to raise $81.5 million through a rights issue, with around two-thirds of the raising underwritten by company directors and UBS.
Aquarius Platinum plans to raise $260 million through a placement and rights issue, with part of the funds to be used for its acquisition of Ridge Mining.
The state's meatworkers union says it would not be surprised if Harvey Beef workers voted in favour of a new pay deal today, which will cut a third of employee's pay packets by 20 per cent.
West Perth company Continental Capital has appointed Petrus Snyders as chief executive officer of subsidiary Continental Coal and has topped its planned $20 million financing target.
Falcon Minerals has settled a sale with Iluka Resources subsidiary Basin Minerals Holdings for its 10 per cent equity in the Echo Minerals Sands Project, located in the Murray Basin in Victoria.
Apache's Australian managing director Tim Wall will move to head the group's operations in Canada, with his deputy, John Bedingfield, replacing him as the local chief.
The export of lead from the seaside town of Esperance has been plagued with controversy in recent times, however the first shipment of lead carbonate will soon be heading to southern China after being stranded at the port for the past two years.
Energy Minister Peter Collier visited Karratha earlier today to mark the start of construction of the most efficient gas-fired power station on the Pilbara’s North West Interconnected System (NWIS).
Albidon has extended its trading halt as it waits on final approval from senior lenders and unsecured creditors over its funding package from Chinese company Jinchuan.
Iluka Resources says 23 employees and contractors will be affected by the shutdown of one of its Mid West Kilns, which was brought about by the global economic crisis.
Takeover target Hannans Reward has requested the resignation of one of its directors after he accepted the Terry Streeter-backed Fox Resources' takeover offer.
Rio's Chinalco deal clears first hurdle; Swan throws debt lifeline to the states; Bank chiefs see upside; Canadian uranium player eyes View camp; Chalice Bridge put up for sale
BHP Billiton has accepted calls for safety standards at its iron ore operations in the Pilbara to be improved following the death of a John Holland construction contractor at its site in Newman.
MANY Western Australian ports are either planning, negotiating or constructing additional projects and facilities with the aim of expanding their operations and improving capacity.