Nickel miner Western Areas says it received strong interest in its convertible bonds issue that raised $125 million, which will partly be used to pay debts with BHP Billiton and ANZ.
Property developer Finbar Group has raised nearly $21 million which will be applied to its expansion plans in the Pilbara and continued growth opportunities in Perth.
Property investment company SAS Global Forrestdale Pty Ltd is facing further pressure after the corporate regulator cancelled the financial services licence of its responsible entity, Teys Property Funds Ltd.
Increased demand from Western Australia's existing co-operatives has prompted the state government to triple its co-operative loan scheme to $60 million.
Property company Finbar Group has been named by the state government as the preferred developer of a new housing project, including a 10-storey high-rise, in Karratha, valued on completion at $225 million.
Former Polaris Metals chief Ken Hellsten has been appointed managing director of Strike Resources as incumbent Shankar Madan takes the chairman role after John Stephenson passed away last month.
Shares in listing hopeful Miclyn Express Offshore, which is eyeing WA's booming oil and gas sector, have been set at the lower end of its initial public offer price range, valuing the company at $516 million.
WA is on the cusp of another boom, making investment in infrastructure vital if the state is to take full advantage. But with the state’s finances increasingly tight, federal-state cooperation has never been more important.
THE Australian Council of Social Service has developed a Standard Chart of Accounts (SCoA) to streamline the financial reporting process for not-for-profit organisations.
ASK almost anyone in industry or government about the key bottlenecks hampering Western Australia’s ability to make the most of the growth opportunities presented by the resurgent resources sector and the answer invariably includes energy.
INCREASED use of public private partnerships has become a defining feature of the state government’s infrastructure program, but behind that label sits a wide range of procurement models.
AS Perth surveys the damage wreaked by Monday’s storm, political observers were picking over something completely different – the results of two state elections at the weekend and trying to assess the implications for Western Australia.
THE private owner of Western Australia’s freight rail network has budgeted to spend $918 million over the next five years expanding its rail infrastructure.
Investment theory, which has been at the foundation of strategies used by Australia’s superannuation and funds management industries, has been upended in new research.
FRESH from the completion of the state’s largest road project last September, the $705 million Perth-Bunbury Highway, the state government is in the early stages of planning another major road project with a similar cost.
MOTORISTS heading south down the Kwinana Freeway would have noticed five cranes looming over a busy construction site. On the corner of Murdoch Drive and South Street, the $1.76 billion Fiona Stanley Hospital (pictured right) is the biggest show in Perth
SPENDING on public venues has been a major issue for the state government in recent months, with cost blowouts and construction delays taking the shine off the new venues being built.
INVESTMENT in new port capacity is a top priority for private industry and government if Western Australia is to avoid the bottlenecks restricting east coast exporters.
THE 2010 vintage is well and truly under way and it looks like we’re in for another stellar year, meaning this will be the fourth successive year the South West has produced a stunning crop of exciting wines.
A LOCAL syndicate at Ellenbrook has put forward its case for turning 2,000 hectares of vacant land north of the suburb into a light industrial and commercial hub.
THE Master Builders Association has endorsed a recommendation to create a residential land bank and restructure LandCorp to alleviate housing shortages in Western Australia.