Agribusiness TFS Corporation has received a boost to its share value after announcing it had signed a deal with a US-based institutional investor potentially worth $120 million over six years.
Business credit enquiries from small to medium businesses have grown steadily this year depsite over a third of SMEs having experienced a lending rate increase during the six months to April 2010, two separate surveys have shown.
The state government appears to have acknowledged the looming issue of residential property supply, creating a new office charged with releasing more land for housing development.
The state government has funded the key projects it has announced during the year, with fiscal restraint and rising royalty income allowing it to include infrastructure spending without blowing the budget.
In his first outing as Treasurer, Premier Colin Barnett delivered a promised surplus - $286 million - on the back of sharp royalty rises, increased services charges to households and restraint in spending growth which was limited to 3.9 per cent.
Port Bouvard is set to receive a much needed lifeline from Queensland's FKP Property Group, which has agreed to chip in nearly $23 million to a planned $60.2 million capital raising.
Fox Resources says it is in talks with shareholder Jinchuan Group to extend a current offtake deal and a possible $20 million funding agreement for its Radio Hill nickel-copper project in the Pilbara.
A RIPPLE effect from the federal government’s proposed super profits tax on mining is creating uncertainty in a transportable and modular building sector that is just tracking back to normal after the damaging impact of the global financial crisis.
THE Western Australian Council of Social Service has welcomed the state’s $12 million injection to social services but warned more needs to be done to address the growing wage gap between government workers and those in non-government organisations.
FEDERAL Treasurer Wayne Swan made a lightning visit to Perth this week, in an attempt to placate resources sector fears the government’s proposed super profits tax would cost up to half a million jobs and cripple the industry.
THE federal government has come under fire amid claims its new industrial relations laws leave some workers worse off, and prevents some Western Australian businesses from growing.
ANTHONY Wooles’ foray into energy infrastructure paid off handsomely late last year when the company he founded and listed five years earlier, PearlStreet, was taken over.
Western Australia's title as the resources state was further cemented today with new figures showing it accounted for 79 per cent of the $109.6 billion committed to projects across the country.
Shares in Balcatta-based minerals tester Ammtec have soared 30 per cent after it received a $123 million takeover offer from laboratory services and chemicals producer Campbell Brothers.
The Real Estate Institute of Western Australia plans to merge its website with, with the latter's founder, Charlie Gunningham, to manage the combined product.
The Northern Territory government has launched a concerted campaign to poach business from Western Australia and rival Perth as a regional oil and gas capital.
The ailing agricultural managed investment sector has claimed another victim with private Western Australian player Rewards Group falling into administration.