LEIGHTON Holdings subsidiaries Leighton Contractors and John Holland are two of Australia’s major construction contractors, but they are not names normally associated with engineering work on LNG projects.
THE resources sector anticipates Enterprise Migration Agreements will enable more than 30 large projects to overcome the labour shortages that threaten their viability.
WESTFIELD Group’s ambitious bid to transform the Whitford City shopping centre into a bustling town centre will test the state government’s commitment to its new shopping centre planning policy.
FALLING house prices and the potential for a rise in interest rate are causing the state’s home building market to stall, with the state government’s housing forecast group saying there will be no recovery in the next financial year.
International conglomerate GE has bought out its Australian partner Transfield Services from their jointly owned business, Perth-based TGE Energy Services.
Australia might have a two-speed economy today, but when interest rates rise again next month only one half will be moving. The other half will be dead.
Another building block for the development of Anketell Point in the Pilbara has fallen into place, with Iron Ore Holdings confirming the technical and financial viability of its Bungaroo South project.
Perth-based minerals explorer Lithex has successfully listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, after its initial public offering closed oversubscribed to raise $4 million.
BC Iron has released the independent expert's report that shaped its decision to terminate a takeover deal with Hong Kong's Regent Pacific on the basis that the offer did not provide adequate value.
There will be no recovery this financial year or next for Western Australia's sputtering housing construction sector, with dwelling starts tipped to drop 21 per cent on last year's figures, according to the state government's top forecaster.
Catalpa Resources has told its shareholders to adopt a 'wait-and-see' approach in the wake of an unsolicited $350 million takeover bid from gold miner St Barbara.
Australia's top 300 listed companies recorded stronger business conditions in the March quarter and also expect to perform better than smaller companies in 2012, a bank survey has revealed.
The number of home loans approved in March rose by 2.1 per cent on February in Western Australia, in contrast to a 10-year low in housing finance approvals nationally.
Brockman Resources has failed in its bid to resist a takeover offer by Hong Kong investment house Wah Nam International, which has received acceptances taking its stake up to 52 per cent in the Pilbara iron ore miner.
Incoming Woodside Petroleum chief executive Peter Coleman said today he would focus on delivering on the company's established strategy, including work on its three major growth projects Pluto, Browse and Sunrise.
Western Australia's largest renewable energy project will begin producing electricity tomorrow and is on track to help satisfy the state's peak power demands over the summer months.
Global drilling contractor Boart Longyear told shareholders in Perth today it is on track for solid growth this calendar year as exploration for nonferrous metals rises to potentially record levels.
WA-based copper and nickel producer Kagara has reached an agreement with explorer Monto Minerals that aims to strengthen Kagara's North-Queensland copper production pipeline.
Meridian Minerals says its major Chinese shareholder has signed a non-binding agreement to buy its Lennard Shelf lead and zinc project in Western Australia for $78 million.
IT has taken Edward Khoury 15 years to grow his industrial design business to the size of the one he and his wife Sharon left behind in South Africa when they migrated in the 1980s.
WESTERN Australian grains handler Co-operative Bulk Handling, also known as CBH Group, has been ranked number one for the second consecutive year in Co-operatives Australia’s top-100 list, based on annual turnover.