Opposition finance spokesman Andrew Robb is standing by the accountants who have been have been fined for breaching professional standards in costing the coalition's 2010 election policies, saying
Commerce Minister Simon O’Brien says a level playing field for retailers is one step closer after the passing of new commercial tenancy legislation through state parliament yesterday.
Dexus Property Group has finalised the sale of its 50 per cent stake in Perth office tower QV1 to Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation for $310 million.
Australian shares have gained slightly, rising for the fifth day in a row, after markets in Europe and the US mostly declined after the previous day's jump.
US stock markets closed mostly lower on Thursday as investors digested a flood of economic data a day after a huge rally sparked by co-ordinated central bank action against the eurozone crisis.
The co-ordinated action by six of the world's major central banks to ensure commercial banks don't fall foul of the European debt crisis adds to the case for another interest rate cut here next wee
Global energy giant Chevron has kicked off construction of its $29 billion Wheatstone liquefied natural gas project near Onslow with a ground-breaking ceremony, with Premier Colin Barnett on hand to wield the silver-plated spade.
Aspire Mining has signed an agreement with Hong Kong-based commodities trading house Noble Group to assist with the development of the Ovoot coking coal project in Mongolia.
Australian shares have risen for a fourth consecutive day, posting strong gains after co-ordinated action from global central banks to lower borrowing costs sent global equity markets soaring.
A consortium led by St John of God Health Care has been named as the State government's preferred provider to open a $360 million public hospital in Midland in mid-2015.
Pancontintental Oil and Gas has announced a $15 million capital raising to fund exploration programs over its oil licences off the coast of Kenya and Namibia.
If Australia is to export uranium to India there must be strong enforceable safeguards against improper use, Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor says.
Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says new Liberal senator Arthur Sinodinos will head a coalition taskforce to find ways to reduce bureaucratic red tape for business.
Western Australia’s office market will need 50 per cent more space to meet demand by 2020, as the ramp-up in the resources sector sends vacancy rates spiralling towards zero, new research says.
Five years of WA salary surveys show some chief executives appear to be remarkably well paid relative to the size of their business and the returns they have delivered, while others offer great value for money.
Another global financial crisis may be on its way, according to Bunnings and Officeworks managing director John Gillam, but he claims tough times are nothing to fear.
Rio Tinto has succeeded in its takeover of Hathor Exploration as the world's second largest mining company seeks to gain a foothold in the Canadian uranium production market.
Federal finance minister Penny Wong says the federal opposition's economic credibility is in tatters after the accountants who costed its 2010 election policies were found to have breached professi
Westpac will review its advertising of geared investment strategies after the corporate watchdog took issue with the bank's "stress free" tag line on some products.
Western Australia's retail sector recorded the highest growth in the nation in October, further evidence of the two-speed national economy, economists say.