Nexus Energy has been approached by big energy companies seeking a slice of its Crux joint venture in Western Australia in order to secure future liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply.
Mining giant Rio Tinto has awarded contracts collectively worth around $100 million to global power and automation technology group ABB, to construct 17 power distribution substations to support Ri
Mining and mining related businesses make up 20 per cent of the national economy and the sector is much larger than many people think, a Minerals Council of Australia report says.
Labor and the Australian Greens have seized on the CSIRO's latest State of the Climate report to again argue Australia is right to be putting a price on carbon emissions from the middle of this yea
Perth’s residential rental vacancy rate hit a four-year low in the month of February, falling to just 1.6 per cent and placing upward pressure on rents, new research shows.
The banking industry has admitted it is struggling to gain the public's trust in explaining why mortgage rates need to rise independently of the Reserve Bank.
Labor has struggled to win voter support in Western Australia because it hasn't been responsive enough to the WA view of the world, a federal minister says.
Australand is hoping the success of its $2 billion Port Coogee coastal marina project, which took out two national awards at the weekend, will stimulate the state government to allow more innovativ
SEVENTY-TWO organisations have committed to the WA ‘One Life’ Suicide Prevention Strategy, a state government initiative to improve the awareness of mental health and suicide risk.
The Town of Port Hedland plans to use proceeds from BHP Billiton’s approved proposal to construct a large temporary workers’ accommodation facility in the town to fund its key Spoilbank Marina prec
WA has dozens of remote mining and construction camps, and every one needs caterers, cleaners, launderers and more. It’s a services sector that pits a handful of global giants against an array of local competitors.
IT and communications consultants in Western Australia appear to be thriving – a trend which Perth-based company Conducive claims is in response to strong demand from the resources industry.
THE ANZ’s top institutional banking executive in Australia believes Asian investors will increasingly provide the growth capital sought by local mining companies.
The creation of the nation's first Small Business Commissioner will give a voice to a vital sector in the Australia economy, Prime Minister Julia Gillard says.
Consumer sentiment has fallen following the Reserve Bank of Australia's (RBA) decisions in February and March to keep the official interest rate on hold, a survey shows.