The Shire of Esperance is the latest council to join a mounting list of regional towns putting their hand out to the WA government to help fund workers housing projects.
Diversified miner Mineral Resources says its in-house operations model has allowed it to keep its lithium business profitable and cash flow positive, despite depressed market conditions.
Fortescue Metals Group will need to spend an extra $US100 million to repair a faulty water pipeline at its Iron Bridge project but has otherwise reported strong half-year production results.
An urgent meeting between battery metal bosses and politicians must result in measures to reduce costs and improve efficiency to stave off further pain in the sector, WA’s peak resources lobby says.
LNG producer Santos has put a cost on the delays caused by court action against its Barossa project, flagging a capital expenditure blowout as high as $450 million.
Wholesale electricity prices in WA were double the national average in recent months, driven higher by the November heatwave and the increased cost of managing a restructured market.
WorkSafe has charged Toll Transport with failing to provide a safe environment after a worker was left with permanent leg injuries at the company’s Perth Airport premises.
Uranium explorer Bannerman Energy said it was considering various funding sources to add value to its flagship Etango project, located in western Namibia.
Bunnings warehouses landlord BWP Trust has flagged a merger with Newmark Property in a $250 million deal set to create an 84-asset portfolio worth $3.5 billion.
The doors to Pinjarra’s 158-year-old Exchange Hotel will be thrown open this spring for the first time in 16 years in what the local shire hopes will prove a boon for tourism.
Perth-based Province Resources has referred its ambitious plan to build a large-scale green hydrogen and ammonia project in the Gascoyne to the environmental watchdog.
Recent power outages in Kalgoorlie have failed to deter Northern Star Resources from remaining on course to achieve its production guidance for the 2024 financial year, according to managing director Stuart Tonkin.
Former Continental Coal company secretary Jane Flegg has pleaded guilty to three charges including stealing more than $2 million, the corporate watchdog says.
Western Australian workers enjoy the third highest average weekly cash earnings in Australia, according to data released by Australian Bureau of Statistics on Wednesday.
Cottesloe analyst Cameron Waugh has pleaded guilty to insider trading in Genesis Minerals' shares while a string of other charges against him was dismissed.
Woodside Energy has revealed directors Frank Cooper and Gene Tilbrook will retire in April, while former state treasurer Ben Wyatt has joined the organisation’s audit and risk committee.
The power plant that supported Kalgoorlie during last week’s power outage was, in 2023, rejected by the state government in favour of its own facility, which tripped when it was needed.
Woodside Energy chief executive Meg O’Neill says the company is ‘off to the races’ at its Scarborough energy project, after recording record production in its first year post-BHP Petroleum merger.
Woolworths chief executive Brad Banducci has backed the supermarket's choice not to stock Australia Day merchandise as staff report more and more abuse.
The average realised price of spodumene concentrate from Pilbara Minerals’ Pilgangoora lithium project fell 50 per cent in the December quarter, but the company is optimistic about the commodity’s future.
Oil and gas exploration company Invictus Energy is set to raise $15.2 million in a bid to expand operations at its Cabora Bassa project in northern Zimbabwe.