OP Properties has secured planning approval for its landmark Fremantle Montreal Commons carbon neutral apartments, a development which symbolises a strategic pivot in the company’s operations towar
A movement towards putting purpose first is gaining momentum within the global corporate sector, and companies at the helm of the change are proving its merit.
With the post-COVID-19 work landscape raising new concerns about the health and safety of employees, employers and their customers, businesses are facing a new challenge: how do we adapt to the new normal?
Western Australian businesses and community groups are being called upon to help save lives by having on-site defibrillators registered for public access in a cardiac emergency.
The State Government has sent a strong message to regional development bodies in WA that greater engagement with business and industry is critical for economic growth and the Peel Region has respon
From November, new Australians will face an updated citizenship test answering questions on their knowledge of our country’s core values - including freedom of speech, religion and association.
Online identification specialist, Veritas, has partnered with AerVision Technologies to automate the verification process for airline crew when they arrive at Australian airports.
Photogrammetry is not new technology; most associate it with services like Google street view and it is this technology that RemSense has catapulted to extraordinary levels of resolution and detail with its Virtual Plant.
Ramsay Health Care is set to create hundreds of new jobs in Western Australia, fuelling the nation’s fastest-growing employment sector through delivery of new services and cutting-edge facilities d
With gold prices hitting all-time highs this year, it’s no surprise Western Australian activity within the resources sector is skyrocketing; but how can junior miners ensure they are future proofin
Work is no longer a place we go—it’s something we do, wherever we can do it best.It’s been this way for a while, although the last eight months has spurred a surge in the use and implement
As we go about our daily lives; shopping online, videoconferencing and switching on Netflix at the end of a hard day, what we may not realise is that more than 80 per cent of all the online, gaming
Covid-19 has significantly impacted the way we work and manage our businesses and for most this has been a significant increase in the use of on-line platforms. In March 2020 there were 62 million downloads for video conferencing technology across IOS and Apple platforms, setting a new record. (Business Insider April 2020)
Mining’s contribution to jobs and supporting the broader economy has again come to the fore during the COVID-19 pandemic, underpinning the Government surplus here in Western Australia.
Industrial and logistics locations are not what they used to be. The strength of the sector coupled with growth in e-commerce, new technology and a strong focus on sustainability is driving major change.
While organisations across every sector of the commercial landscape are clawing to take advantage of emerging technologies, Australian ports’ historical aversion to capital investment in digital innovation is threatening their long-term viability.