INCITE Awards Winners with WA Minister for Innovation, The Hon Dave Kelly
The INCITE 2021 Awards - WA’s longest running ICT awards program since 1991 - is celebrating 30 years of showcasing WA Technology. The Awards is focussed on celebrating innovation and talent across WA Tech companies, recognising the sector's growing contribution to our State’s economy and community. The sole purpose of the INCITE Awards program is to provide a platform & opportunity to recognise and celebrate WA Technology innovation, its impact and the teams behind the scenes.
Over the past 30 years we have judged over 750 entries, awarded over 280 trophies to winners in front of an audience of around 500 at our Awards Gala evening.
For nominees, the INCITE Awards serve as an important pathway to the National iAwards and the international APICTA awards. These pathways provide increasing brand awareness beyond WA borders.
Our nominees tell us that recognition helps employees see that their company values them and their contributions to the success of their team and the company overall. This is particularly key when organizations grow or change as we have seen through the past year.
They also say that it's not just winning the award that counts. The process of being nominated is definitely worth the effort to sharpen the value proposition story.
Nominees selected as finalists for the INCITE Awards receive coaching and a video about their pitch. Previous entrants said the feedback and the video are invaluable to support their future market and investment pitches.
As a previous participant and winner, InteliCare, mentioned: “If you ever want to be able to successfully pitch to investors, practicing the art in these awards goes a long way!”
Winning an award also allows you to distinguish your publishing company from competitors and ensure that as many potential readers as possible are aware of your titles.
One previous winner commented that winning an INCITE Award 'added a zero to their bottom line’.
This year, we are looking to reach beyond WA to a national and global audience with a Digital conference to showcase our nominees. Keeping up our tradition of throwing a great party, we will celebrate in person at a Gala Cocktail evening to announce our 30th INCITE Awards winners (Covid-permitting!).
The 2021 INCITE team of volunteers is bigger than ever and we have recruited the support of nearly 20 Ambassadors, who seek out great nominees across their diverse sectors, and spread the word of WA Technology far and wide.
Being our 30th anniversary we will shine a light on the behind the scenes efforts of our committed volunteers over the years. The INCITE Awards founding members Jim Ellis, Mike Coles, and Geoff Harben continue to support the program today.
We also recognise the contributions of our sponsors, whose support enables us to deliver exceptional Awards celebrations every year.
Organisations interested in sponsoring the 30th INCITE Awards are encouraged to email the INCITE Committee at: events@inciteawards.org.au.