The Property Council of Australia's Reclaiming Residential conference in March will showcase the changing face of suburban residential living.

There’s a white-collar-led housing recovery in the western suburbs of Perth, according to REA Group Economist Nerida Conisbee. When it comes to trends in Perth’s property market, that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Recently we have experienced an outpouring of concern about CBD homelessness and housing affordability from our community, witnessed controversy over Blackburne Property Group’s three-building development at the top of Rokeby Road in Subiaco and pondered how to make our homes and workplaces more sustainable against a backdrop of agitation about the impact of climate change.
If you want to be well-informed and get direct access to the experts, you won’t want to miss Property Council WA's Reclaiming Residential half-day conference at Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre on Wednesday March 25.
Bankwest Chief Economist Alan Langford will set the residential scene for 2020 and beyond; Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage Chief Planning Officer Kathy Bonus will explain how Community Titles are set to transform mixed-use development and Mirvac’s Residential Sustainability Manager Rochelle Phillis will reveal how the apartment developer’s House With No Bills trial has gone.
Also, Property Council of Australia National Sustainability Policy Manager Frankie Muskovic will outline her work with the Green Building Council of Australia, Every Building Counts, a toolkit for reducing the emissions from our homes and workplaces. University of Western Australia’s Australian Urban Design Research Centre’s Professor Julian Bolleter will elaborate on opportunities to work with communities to develop well-designed infill, retain our urban tree canopy and deliver quality density.
JWH Group Director Jay Walter will share his insights into building innovation, modern materials and how to get it done right. Department of Communities’ Housing and Homelessness Executive Director Tiffany Allen will spell out the State Government’s homelessness and housing strategy.
At the other end of the spectrum Blackburne Property Group founder and managing director Paul Blackburne will tell the backstory to getting approval for his luxury, three-building One Subiaco project at the top of Rokeby Road.S
And Minister for Transport; Planning Rita Saffioti will outline the State Government’s plans for future Perth and take questions with Property Council WA Executive Director Sandra Brewer.
To book, click here.