The City of Perth’s decision to more than double its residential population targets to 90,000 will help central Perth reach its potential.

The City of Perth’s decision to more than double its residential population targets to 90,000 will help central Perth reach its potential, Property Council WA Executive Director Sandra Brewer says.
City of Perth Chair Commissioner Andrew Hammond revealed the city had accelerated its density aspirations to 90,000 by 2050. There are just 29,627 City of Perth residents today.
Property Council WA asked the City of Perth to lift its target of 40,000 by 2036, arguing that it represented an increase of just 13,000 people over 16 years. It also compared Perth with the City of Adelaide, which anticipated it would have more than 50,000 residents by 2041.
“We believe there’s an opportunity to make the City of Perth more attractive and vibrant as a place to live. When you add inner-city education, health precincts and the cultural district, you make the CBD more compelling for residents,” Ms Brewer said.
“The more people, the safer people feel.”
The City of Perth last month (November 28) adopted a new Strategic Community Plan that clarifies the city’s objectives and priorities for the next 10 years with a focus on people, place, planet, prosperity, performance and partnership.
Property Council WA has consistently advocated for greater CBD activation, a more diverse CBD economy, a co-ordinated response to anti-social behaviour and homelessness in the CBD and a more flexible approach to urban design and approvals.
Ms Brewer said Property Council WA made a strong case for measures to increase population growth, promote well-designed, well-located density and support more affordable housing and a choice of housing.
“The revised City of Perth population target is a bolder aspiration and one that is more likely to allow Perth to reach its potential as a commercial, retail, health and education centre,” she said.
“With a Perth City Deal we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to catalyse a surge in population and economic growth.
“We’re delighted to host a Reinventing the Perth CBD lunch on March 13 and to be leading the conversation about how all three tiers of government, Federal, State and local, can work together to breathe new life into the city.”
Commissioner Hammond has said the City’s Strategic Community Plan outlines how the City of Perth will address change, develop thriving neighbourhoods, a diverse cultural identity, safety and economic growth.
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