Property Council WA has unveiled a bold vision to set aside the areas needed for foundation infrastructure to support a central Perth population of three times its current level.

Property Council WA has unveiled a bold vision to set aside the areas needed for foundation infrastructure to support a central Perth population of three times its current level.
Property Council WA has unveiled a bold vision to set aside the areas needed for foundation infrastructure to support a central Perth population of three times its current level.
Perth’s CBD, with just 29,627 residents, has the lowest population density of any capital city except Darwin and Hobart and Adelaide.
Achieving a 90,000 population target is crucial to driving a successful Perth City Deal.
Property Council WA has been a long-time advocate of greater CBD activation, a more diverse CBD economy, better transport connectivity, a co-ordinated approach to homelessness and a more flexible approach to urban design and approvals to create more affordable housing.
Project 90K maps out a five-pronged pathway to ensuring Perth’s CBD gets the services, connectivity, branding focus and governance that it needs to deliver on this vision, Property Council WA Executive Director Sandra Brewer said.
“With our proximity to Asia, our climate and stunning landscapes, our shared Asian time-zone, Perth has unmatched potential to evolve as a centre of excellence for education, tourism, technology and remote operations support for the State’s resources industry,” Ms Brewer said. “We want to inspire new economically productive ideas.”
Property Council WA commissioned placemaking consultancy Urbis to set out the infrastructure needs of an entire generation of city residents.
Urbis found a population of 90,000 within the current City of Perth boundary means:
Urbis associate director Sean Morrison said Perth needs to take its CBD residents’ needs as seriously as it does for schools, sporting and other services for inner, middle and outer residents.
“It’s crazy to think that we have planned all future school sites out to Yanchep but the city doesn’t have a plan for spaces for services we need for a thriving CBD community,” Mr Morrison said.
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