Our partnership with the RAC Rescue Helicopters[1], which have now flown more than 7,000 life-saving missions, is a key part of RAC’s commitment to supporting road safety in WA. RAC Rescue serves a critical role within our State’s emergency response network. However, while the ability to quickly respond to serious incidents is paramount, equally important is educating our future drivers so they avoid these traumatic circumstances in the first place.
One of our most important initiatives is our long-running Community Education Program. As far back as 1928, RAC has been taking action to help equip young drivers with the knowledge and skills to stay safe as they travel. Today we provide road safety lessons to nearly 50,000 primary and high school students every year, in all corners of the State. This includes via RAC bstreetsmart, a free road safety re-enactment held at RAC Arena which earlier this year saw 9,000 students attend.
Part of RAC’s Community Education Program also includes our partnership, of more than 10 years, with The Paraplegic Benefit Fund (PBF). PBF delivers powerful and influential road safety presentations to students in years 10 to 12 across Perth and Regional WA.
Symon Still has been with PBF since 2004 and is currently their Injury Prevention Manager. More than 25 years ago, Symon sustained a life-changing spinal cord injury after being hit by a distracted driver while he was cycling. He now lives with partial tetraplegia.
“PBF presenters deliver personal stories about their own traumatic spinal cord injuries, highlighting to their young audience just how common these injuries occur due to young West Australians making bad choices behind the wheel,” Mr Still said.
“One of the best moments for PBF presenters is when we come across students in the community who heard our presentations, sometimes more than 10 years prior. When they tell you they still remember the story and that it makes them drive more consciously so they do not crash, is the best feedback possible.”
RAC is proud of the work we do in the community to make our roads and the people who use them safer. But it is only through partnerships with equally passionate organisations that we are able to reach the tens of thousands of people we do. Through our joint efforts, we hope to influence the actions of future generations of drivers and, in doing so, to prevent thousands from being killed or suffering life-changing injuries.
[1] The RAC Rescue Helicopters are sponsored by RAC, funded by the State Government and managed by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES).
[1] The RAC Rescue Helicopters are sponsored by RAC, funded by the State Government and managed by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES).