Estrella Resources continues to unveil the prospectivity of the intrusive igneous complex at its Carr Boyd project near Kalgoorlie in WA. The company says it has discovered more nickel-copper rich sulphides on previously untested ground at the Mossgiel and Gossan Hill prospects with mineralisation showing stark similarities to the geology of its original T5 discovery.
![More nickel-copper signs for Estrella at WA project](/sites/default/files/2022-01/Mineralised%20drill%20core%20from%20Carr%20Boyd.jpg)
Base metals explorer Estrella Resources continues to unearth the prospectivity of the intrusive igneous complex at its Carr Boyd project near Kalgoorlie in Western Australia. The company says it has discovered more nickel-copper rich sulphides on previously untested ground at its Mossgiel and Gossan Hill prospects with mineralisation showing stark similarities to the geology of the company’s original T5 discovery according to management.
The two targets lie along the prospective western basal contact of the Carr Boyd Igneous Complex which, according to Estrella, has seen minimal or no historical drilling.
At Gossan Hill, the first two reverse circulation, or “RC” drill holes completed by Estrella have turned up several zones of disseminated nickel-copper sulphides. Whilst the company isn’t expecting grades as high as massive sulphides to be returned, it notes the style of mineralisation is reminiscent of that seen on the T5 contact, located some 4.5 kilometres northwest of Gossan Hill. Estrella says drilling has pierced the basal contact where massive sulphides are considered likely to form.
The company says further drilling at Gossan Hill is planned to test the fertility of the basal contact with downhole geophysics touted to help map out the presence of massive sulphide mineralisation.
The Mossgiel prospect is located about 4.5km southeast of the T5 deposit along the same interpreted coveted basal contact.
Estrella has completed four diamond drillholes looking to confirm the veracity of its geological model and discover further massive sulphide accumulations. Of the four holes, the company says two holes have hit zones of significant blebby sulphide near the basal contact suggesting it is tantalisingly close to discovering something more substantial.
Downhole geophysics on the diamond holes is planned in the coming weeks ahead of a more extensive drill program scheduled to commence at the completion of drilling at Gossan Hill.
Estrella Resources Managing Director, Chris Daws said: “The possibility of one new discovery is enough to get us excited but what we have today is a twin discovery, with nickel-copper sulphides uncovered at both Mossgiel and Gossan Hill. This opens up a swathe of new prospective ground within Carr Boyd.”
“The prospective areas to be tested are immense in size and it is only a matter of time and holes before we truly understand whether we have a major orebody, or two.”
Estrella sparked a flurry of excitement in late 2019 with its T5 discovery RC drill hole that returned 13.9m at 1.07 per cent nickel and 0.39 per cent copper from 431.6m down. A string of nickel and copper sulphide hits have subsequently followed.
Following on from the discovery, Estrella confirmed it had mapped out an extensive mineralised system, discovering more significant nickel-copper sulphides at Broonhill located 3km north and along the same basal contact as the T5 discovery.
The company says a “concerted” downhole geophysics program will be carried out along the expansive 3km long basal contact down to depths of 550m to sniff out further massive sulphide accumulations. Diamond drill holes will be spaced 200m apart and are due to commence in the upcoming phase of drilling.
With more smoke rising from two new discoveries in an evolving nickel-copper mineralised system at Carr Boyd, Estrella looks set to spark a few flames at a time when base metal prices are on fire.
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