On 1 July 2021, a new Information & Communications Technology business commenced operation, Integrated ICT. However, it is not a startup, rather the business has been established as a new entity having formerly been a division of the well-known marketing agency, Market Creations. The agency business also launched a new brand during this transition, becoming Market Creations Agency.
Managing Director, Darren Lee said the decision to split the business and create two separate entities followed substantial growth of the ICT division and the desire to be recognised as a standalone brand within the Information & Communications Technology industry.
“We have considerably talented and educated ICT professionals and loyal clients, but we didn’t have a strong, recognisable ICT focused name,” said Mr Lee.
“This change will enable us to present more clearly to new clients, while continuing to be supported by existing clients and maintaining relationships with partners like Hitachi Vantara, Microsoft and other major providers within the ICT industry.”
A WALGA preferred supplier
The Business News feature, the Business of Local Government recently showcased the new Integrated ICT brand, reaffirming the preferred supplier status that the business holds with WA Local Government Association (WALGA). WALGA is the voice of Local Government in Western Australia and as the peak industry body, advocates on behalf of 139 WA Local Governments and negotiates service agreements for the sector.
Integrated ICT Technical Sales Manager, Joel Newey said achieving the preferred supplier status is a rigorous process that is regularly reviewed.
“WALGA recently amended their categories, reviewing the services we provide in the process. We are pleased to continue to be recognised as a preferred supplier having achieved the requirements of the review.”
“We are on the preferred supplier panel for a broad range of ICT services, including Managed Services and ICT consultancy, mobile device management and unified communications through to hardware supply.”
“We also provide physical data centre solutions, utilising data centres in Perth and Geraldton. This gives our clients the capability to house their data in disparate geographical areas, allowing further assurance of the security of their data and accessibility via the cloud.”
Your data secure, ready to access – the key to business continuity.
One key ICT service is data maintenance and security. Ask yourself, do you know how your Information & Communications Technology Systems would hold up in the event of an onsite systems failure or other major disruption? Do you know what happens to your important data? Would it be lost or is it safely backed up? Are those back ups accessible so you can continue to work?
This is the challenge faced by many and questions that not too many can comfortably answer with certainty.
“Business owners and organisations alike should ask themselves how quickly they can get back up and running in the event of a hacking or other major system disruption,” said Mr Newey.
“We regularly run health checks on ICT systems in businesses throughout all manner of industries and something we continuously find is a lack of a disaster recovery and business continuity plan.”
“Or if they do have a plan, they haven’t necessarily tested or run real time scenarios to assess the capability of the plan. ICT environments are evolving daily with new applications and datasets being created. These changes impact the process of disaster recovery and business continuity planning. Testing is critical to ensure systems return to service in a timely manner,” said Mr Newey.
Integrated ICT offer disaster planning and business continuity services, with a clear action plan to enable peace of mind in the event of malicious hacking or other disruptive activities that could result in data loss. Clients are taken through a clear process to establish an Incident Response Plan including preparation, identification, containment, eradication and recovery measures as well as the recording of any lessons learnt through the testing.
“In terms of Cyber Security, we follow the mitigation process as established by The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), the Essential Eight, which uses a series of strategies to mitigate cyber security incidents. The eight areas range from application control to daily back ups.”
“Even with the best measures in place, an important question, that I don’t think enough people have an answer to is if I am hacked how quickly can I be up and running? Because, even with extensive security measures in place businesses are being hacked. The key is to thwart the attack, shut it down and get your business going seamlessly so the vicious attacker doesn’t achieve their end game,” said Mr Newey.
“Put simply, we want our clients to easily access their data via a secure internet connection on the cloud and in the event of any disruption, continue to be able to do so.”
View the Integrated ICT website www.integratedict.com.au
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Call us for a no obligation ICT health check:
08 6374 8200 or 08 9920 8550
Or email:hello@integratedict.com.au