Held in the first week of September, Include a Charity Week is a reminder of the impact you can make for a cause close to your heart through leaving a gift in your Will.

Held in the first week of September, Include a Charity Week is a reminder of the impact you can make for a cause close to your heart through leaving a gift in your Will.
Leaving a legacy in your Will is a gift that can make a real difference to the lives of people in the community.
"The impact is truly incredible and is two-fold. Firstly the gift itself, no matter the size, has the ability to transform lives and build stronger communities," Anglicare WA CEO Mark Glasson said.
"Secondly, by leaving a gift in Will to a charitable cause close to your heart, it inspires your loved ones and future generations to consider doing the same, continuing your legacy of giving and compassion.
"Anglicare WA is truly humbled by the wonderful support we receive from gifts in Will and the incredible people behind them."
Gift in Will funding goes directly towards supporting many of Anglicare WA's critical community programs, including youth mental health program Headspace Pilbara, early intervention education through It Only Takes One, and has helped youth homelessness through the Street Connection program.
Over the past two years, the funding has also supported families through The Sunshine Project, provided community support through Holy Grounds, helped people facing poverty and inequality through Thread Together, supported families and individuals facing domestic violence through the Young Hearts program, and has helped youth homelessness at Foyer Oxford.
"It is a humbling privilege to receive a gift in Will and at Anglicare WA we understand just how special this gift is. We ensure every gift is treated and accounted for with the upmost integrity as we understand the precious nature behind every gift and the personal stories and connection which often comes with it," Anglicare WA bequest manager Matthew Correia said.
Anglicare WA CEO Mark Glasson.
Leaving a gift in Will
Leaving a gift in Will to a cause close to your heart once you have adequately provided for your family and loved ones is easy to do. Whether you are engaging with a solicitor or an online Will writing platform, you can always request to leave a gift in Will.
It is important to seek professional advice and expertise when preparing your Will and once finalised informing your family and loved ones of your wishes is paramount.
One person who left a gift in her Will to Anglicare WA was Julie Jennings, a kind, humble, working-class woman from Perth who is remembered for making an enormous difference to the lives of women and families across Western Australia. Julie sadly lost her battle to cancer in September 2023, however her legacy has already transformed the lives of many and will continue to do so into the future.
Thanks to Julie’s gift in Will, Anglicare WA have been able to launch Holy Grounds and expand the program reach of The Sunshine Project. Julie wanted to embolden people and that is what her gift to Anglicare WA will do.
Sarah Wiley, partnerships and community engagement manager for the Motor Neurone Disease Association of WA, said leaving a gift in your Will can make a significant impact for an important cause.
“When a family that has been impacted by MND leaves a bequest to the association, it is really a great honour. Not only does this show us that the family has valued the support we’ve given them, but it is that family’s way of securing care for future families who may be impacted by the disease," Ms Wiley said.
“Bequests are a great support to the receiving charity and can offer comfort to the donor. For some, knowing they are supporting a charity close to their heart is reassuring.”
As a small organisation that relies on the generosity of the community, every donation received by MNDAWA is genuinely valued and supports people affected by the degenerative condition.
“When a person leaves a bequest, it sends a clear message to the family about their intentions to support. This can inspire support from the family, from small gestures like requesting donations instead of sending flowers to commemorate a loss, through to inspiring family members to also leave a bequest," Ms Wiley said.
MNDAWA also supports a range of palliative care and end-of-life support initiatives. "Arranging a bequest can form part of ones end-of-life planning, ensuring that the individuals’ wishes will be understood and upheld.”