In today’s saturated and vastly fragmented world, thinking small gets nobody far.
Especially in the context of brands exporting globally from WA.
Globally-minded thinking, however, is big and gets you substantially far.
Globally-minded thinking is truly powerful when linked to three distinct areas of business strategy: firstly, exporting to the world – the motivation to vastly disperse a brilliant innovation or idea geographically – creating a product, service or solution of such high quality, usefulness and importance that it stacks up and deserves to succeed in any global market; secondly, meeting global demand by supplying that demand with exceptional quality produce grown and developed in our State, and; thirdly, creating or sourcing a product or service that positively impacts the world through strategic focuses on sustainability and community.
From a brand growth perspective, there is a greater philosophical take on global-mindedness; one that operates high above the day-to-day behaviours and activities of a business – that organises the business under one, unifying mission.
The north star. WHY you exist. Your purpose in the world.
At Moonsail, we have developed potent North Stars for businesses across numerous sectors, locally and nationally, from global agricultural exporters creating the horizon for WA’s beef and lamb industry, luxury goods importers who are devoted to extraordinary outcomes and premium tourism accommodation redefining WA’s tourism future by leaving lasting positive impacts with every stay. All potent north stars that stretch across all operations and pave the way into the future for these brands.
Why is a north star so crucial? The world has never been more complex and fragmented. It has never been more competitive. Every market presents its nuances in behaviour, preconceptions, wants, needs and competitor sets. Brands must have a guiding north star linked directly into the truth of the brand, tethering right back into its DNA. One that sits high above operations so the business can weather any economic and market undulations. True purpose helps a business stay the course regardless.
Prior to co-founding Moonsail, Matt Nankivell implemented exactly this in his role as Global Head of Art on Unilever brand Dove while at Ogilvy London, ensuring Dove’s purpose of real beauty permeated compellingly into 76 different markets globally. Despite the complexities and nuances of different cultures, their purpose was universally understood and embraced.
This globally-minded strategic and creative experience is now being applied at Moonsail, in partnership with ambitious businesses locally, nationally and globally. Our whole philosophy is centred around helping globally-minded brands grow.
There is no shortage of world-class innovators, entrepreneurs and businesses in Western Australia. Our State is brimming with big thinkers across all industries and sectors, big and small – highly intelligent, curious, innovative researchers, academics, leaders and doers. Not just the usual mining suspects either, bright bulbs are blinking on from all corners of our State all the time, and in vastly different fields. We are a creatively charged State unincumbered by complexity and barriers often experienced nationally. Time to capitalise on this unique position.
If you are a WA business with great globally-minded ambitions, you deserve a globally-minded brand to match. Get in touch: hello@moonsail.co
Paul Coghlan is Co-Founder & Growth Director of award-winning WA brand strategy, design and advertising agency Moonsail.