Infinity Mining has landed strong gold results over a 200m strike from the first five RC drill holes in its latest campaign. Assays from the first five RC drill holes at the company’s Victor Bore project include 7m at 1.96 g/t gold from 32m, 6m going 1.4 g/t gold from 25m with best individual 1m intersections of 8.67 g/t from 34m and 7.33g/t gold from 29m. Infinity wrapped up 37 RC drill holes at five historical gold mine prospects on its ground near Leonora in the Central Goldfields of WA.

Infinity Mining has landed strong gold results over a 200m strike from the first five RC drill holes in its latest campaign. Assays from the first five RC drill holes at the company’s Victor Bore project include 7m at 1.96 g/t gold from 32m, 6m going 1.4 g/t gold from 25m with best individual 1m intersections of 8.67 g/t from 34m and 7.33 g/t gold from 29m.
After receiving the results Infinity ploughed ahead and completed another 11 RC holes at the old Victor Bore historical gold mine. In total the company completed 37 RC drill holes for 3,851m at five historical gold mine prospects Victor Bore, Coppermine, Barlow’s Gully, Camel and Great Northern on its ground near Leonora in the Central Goldfields of WA.
Infinity says the drilling was conducted in the January to March period and so far only the five holes at Victor Bore have returned laboratory assays.
The exploration was conducted to test a variety of geochemical, geophysical and structural targets defined in 2022. The Leonora region of WA’s Central Goldfields has two principal mineralisation styles, shear zone related gold mineralisation in greenstone belts and volcanogenic massive sulphide copper-base metals. Gold mineralisation associated with felsic intrusions is also an emerging mineralisation style in the region.
At the company’s Victor Bore project known gold mineralisation is present in quartz veining at surface over several hundred metres of two north-northeast trending zones with associated historic pit and shaft workings. Infinity’s tenements at Victor Bore adjoin Northern Star’s Kailis gold mine and are less than 10km from the town of Leonora. The gold mineralisation present appears to be similar to Kailis in that it is present in multiple narrow quartz-carbonate veins within a broader mineralised shear zone. Kailis has a greater than 200,000-ounce gold endowment with its lodes being narrow at three to eight metres, sometimes expanding to 15 to 20 metres. The vein sets are steep dipping, north-east striking with variable widths from one to 50 metres. Infinity draws comparisons with Victor Bore along the same structure to the north of Kailis.
Ten kilometres away from Victor Bore at the famous multi-million-ounce Sons of Gwalia mine, gold mineralisation occurs within a strongly sheared zone greenstone and is comprised of millimetre to metre scale laminated quartz-carbonate gold-bearing veins in a broad zone. Three lode zones have a combined strike length of only 500m and continue down plunge for over 1700m.
Infinity appears to working off a blank canvas as there are no available drill records for Victor Bore and no modern exploration prior to it conducting magnetic imagery and rock chip sampling in 2022. Its magnetic imagery identified possible structures parallel to the know north-northeast trending historic gold workings. While rock chip results returned up to 28.4 g/t gold at Victor Bore. Infinity’s recent aerial geophysics also identified untested structures that appear to be a continuation of the same geological structure as the adjacent Kallis Gold Mine only 1.5km to the south of the tenements.
Whilst only five RC holes at Victor Bore have returned assays so far it is important to note that the three best results occur on one zone over a 200m strike length. The southern hole returned 7m at 1.96 g/t gold from 32m downhole including 2m at 5.08 g/t and 1m grading 8.67 g/t gold. The more central of the three holes had multiple intersections including 5m at 0.64 g/t gold from 39m with 1m at 1.05 g/t and 3m at 0.59 g/t gold from 117m downhole with 1m at 1.49 g/t gold.
The most northerly of the three holes on the 200m long zone again recorded multiple gold zones with 6m at 1.4 g/t gold from 25m downhole including 1m going 7.33 g/t and 4m grading 0.78 g/t gold from 38m downhole with 1m at 2.62 g/t gold. The area is historically known for coarse gold and nuggets.
Additional drill holes were placed at the northern end of the gold mineralised zone raising the potential for further strike extension.
Infinity Mining Chief Executive Officer, Joe Groot said: “The initial drill hole assays received to date from Victor Bore are very encouraging, with a maximum 1 m assay of 8.67 g/t Au. We look forward to releasing more results from this RC drilling program over the coming weeks as more assays are received from the Laboratory”.
Victor Bore is just part of Infinity Mining’s 13.8 square kilometre Central Goldfields portfolio centred around Leonora in WA. Local gold deposits include the multi-million-ounce Sons of Gwalia, King of the Hills, Tarmoola and Thunderbox. Infinity’s ground includes two mining leases, seven prospecting licences and one exploration licence.
With numerous toll treatment options in the Central Goldfields Infinity could surprise with early cash flow from gold deposits within its granted mining leases. Infinity also has larger projects in the red hot Pilbara region of WA to round out a gold, lithium and base metals exploration focus meaning the year could become a busy one for the explorer.
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