NodeOne Internet Towers
NodeOne saw a need to provide connectivity solutions to poorly served NBN areas, of which there are many, particularly in regional WA.With the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN) satellite service proving to be ineffective for certain areas in regional Western Australia, we started to see Farmers building their own wireless networks in order to enable cost effective solutions.
Traditional fixed line technology, such as fibre, is expensive to install with infrastructure to service one farm potentially costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.
As a nimble and innovative operator, we used an integrated approach and our expert knowledge to create and implement a unique digital farm solution over fixed wireless that out-performs the National Broadband Network (NBN) Satellite Service offering, in fact our network outperforms most of the NBN offerings, including NBN fixed wireless, HFC and fibre to the node, especially in regional areas.
Under the Digital Farms Program, we created a 30-tower network over nine shires, which gives reliable and fast network coverage over nearly 20,000 square kilometres.
But paramount to the success of this project was our determination to work closely with local communities, subcontractors, and shires – essential to providing a region wide solution that could not have been achieved without co-operation across boundaries.
Understanding the individual needs of those within the network area and working alongside them to develop a meaningful solution was insightful and rewarding, and now, underpins the success of our connection and referral rates.
The project achieved its objectives of providing a high-speed network in rural and remote areas of the mid-west thus providing farmers and residents of this area with a service that is equal to what is provided in major cities across Australia and at the same monthly fee.
The best NBN alternative
We are excited about the future. We currently have an array of technology that can deliver between 100 Mbps and 200 Mbps of connectivity. Short range technology delivers speeds of up to 1000 Mbps – but unfortunately is very limited in coverage.
The new technology we are rolling out allows for capacity that will double these speeds offering between 200 Mbps and 400 Mbps. This will really change what we can offer across WA and will fuel the digital age. With our current rollout of further towers across regional WA and the Perth Metro area, we are determined to bring a high-speed network option to as much of WA as possible.
We use standard 5Ghz class licensed equipment to help create a low cost but effective wireless solution – technology that can provide low latency and high bandwidth solutions unlike the NBN satellite solutions that we are replacing.
The need for this technology for the industries that you support and what the future holds for NodeOne’s technology.
High capacity connectivity over the air, allows for a true alternative to traditional fixed line services such as the NBN and at the higher end of the market, a cost-effective alternative to fibre services. This brings many advantages to a multitude of industries, for example remote mining camps needing high speed connectivity to not only run their operations but also provide the bandwidth for remote workers to connect to their families as well as watch Netflix.
In the construction industry, this allows flexibility in setting up onsite offices at the construction site, enabling their staff to be able to work efficiently compared to being reliant upon a 4G mobile solution, if available
For most small and medium sized business, which really make up the backbone of the WA economy - this offers a high speed alternative in areas where they may have been restricted by the copper constraints of the NBN, or if they are not able to afford to step up from this to an enterprise fibre solution.
This in turn is enabling a move to the cloud and the advantages this brings to business, particularly in areas that are poorly served by NBN.
Agriculture and Food Minister Alannah MacTiernan said "The Digital Farm Grants program will allow more than 500 farming Mid-West businesses outside the National Broadband Network's fixed line and fixed wireless footprint to access business-grade internet with greater data capacity and speeds up to
ten times faster than previously available, at a monthly cost to end users comparable to metropolitan area plans.”
If you have any questions on how we can assist your business or are looking for a high speed alternative at your home, please reach out for a chat with one of our local team on 1300 166 331 or visit us at www.nodeone.com.au