36 Crimson students admitted to Oxford or Cambridge with some doubling down with admission to US top ranked colleges like Yale and Stanford.

36 Crimson students admitted to Oxford or Cambridge with some doubling down with admission to US top ranked colleges like Yale and Stanford.
February 2020: In what is shaping up to be an all-time record, 37 students supported by Crimson Education gained admission to Oxford or Cambridge’s Class of 2020. (Students may apply to either Oxford or Cambridge University - but not both.)
The students hail from Australia, the USA, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Germany, Vietnam, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and more.
Crimson’s hard-working students were accepted into a variety of Oxford’s prestigious colleges to study or ‘read’ Law, Mathematics, Economics and Management, Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Physics, Engineering and English Languages. While our Cambridge admits will read Economics, Law, Engineering, Modern and Medieval Languages, Computer Science, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences and Mathematics.
These results follow Crimson students’ recent success in the US early admission round, results of which were released in December. While most university applicants apply in the regular round (with admissions notifications released in late March), Crimson’s early round students achieved 75 offers to leading US universities including 26 offers to the Ivy League.
With regular round results to follow in a few months time, Crimson expects to break previous admission records of 65 Ivy admits per year.
Some particularly outstanding student results include:
A Crimson Education scholarship student from London who was admitted to both Yale and Oxford
A Thai student admitted to both Stanford and Cambridge
A New Zealand Maori student - once again on an internal Crimson scholarship - admitted to Harvard
An Australian student, accepted to Oxford History, who will follow his brother to the prestigious university - his older brother having been supported by Crimson and admitted to Oxford in a previous year
“Every year at Crimson we see growth in our student results, but the word growth doesn’t cover the admiration we feel for our students and the Crimson teams that support them. It is incredible to see such a huge proportion of our New Zealand, Australian, American, British, Singaporean and other students defy the odds and gain acceptance to Oxford and Cambridge - reading in such diverse fields of study,” says Crimson CEO and Co-founder, Jamie Beaton.
“The movement that our Crimson students are leading to break down global glass ceilings and pursue education at the world’s leading universities truly sets an inspiring tone for the next generation to follow.”
Crimson now has a success rate of their students being accepted to the Ivy League and Oxford or Cambridge a four times and average applicant rate. In only six years, the accumulation of Crimson student offers now tallies at 1100+ to US Top 50 colleges, 95 to Oxford or Cambridge, 220 to the Ivy League and 435+ to the UK's Top Ten Universities.