Business development has not always been seen as natural fit for the Greens WA, much to the chagrin of party member and Fremantle mayor Brad Pettitt.
Dr Pettitt, who has served as the city’s mayor for more than a decade, said the Greens’ commitment to density, transit, and urban development was more ambitious than that of the major parties.
As he looks towards the 2021 state election and a bid for the electorate of South Metropolitan in the Legislative Council, Dr Pettitt argues he and the party are well positioned to prosecute a pro-business argument.
“For Perth as a whole, business as usual … is just this endless sprawl, and a lack of investment in existing centres is at the heart of some of Perth’s problems,” Dr Pettitt said.
“We’ve got lots of Metronets, which just further enable sprawl and doesn’t actually get people out of their cars.
“Where is government actually trying to build up those centres as complementary centres to Perth that do have jobs where people can live, work and play?”
Reflecting on his tenure as mayor, Dr Pettitt was confident that, once completed, the city’s Kings Square development would provide a relevant model for how to revitalise city centres across Perth.
“A lot of it is around acknowledging that if you can get people, jobs and density into your cause, you can create really great centres,” he said.
“I think Perth, and WA as a whole, hasn’t done a good job of that so far.
“I’m hoping Freo can be a bit of a beacon to show what good, sustainable, urban development can look like.”